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Location RECCE

Potential locations:
CFGS A Block
25-33 Bow Rd, London E3 2AE

Positives and negatives about location:

This location is the other site based

next to our college so its quick and
easy to access. As we are already very
familiar with the building it will be easy
for us to direct our actors where to go
and the best places to film.
Because the building is very big and
spacious in the inside we are worried
about excess noise being recorded
whilst filming.

City of London & Tower Hamlets

Cemetery Rd, London E7 9DG

This location is very close to our main

base for filming so it is easy to get
there. Also, as is it a graveyard the
area should generally be quiet so there
wouldnt be a lot of noise from the
public, especially since the location is
behind several buildings.
One factor we find might be a problem
is the condition of the area if the day
we decide to film rains. Considering
how the location is surrounded by
greenery and dirt it is a worry if the
area would be appropriate to walk

Conclusion: We will film in the school building as it looks oldfashioned, which fits the genre of our film. The graveyard is a really
good location to film in as it has a creepy ambience when it gets
dark. And during the day when it is sunny the area has a bittersweet
vibe to it which would be perfect for the scene where flowers and a
card is placed on a grave.

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