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Ana Paula de Oliveira Reis


Atividade Terico Prtica apresentada para avaliao parcial da disciplina Produo Oral e Escrita em Lngua Inglesa IV, do curso de Licenciatura em Letras Portugus/Ingls da Faculdade de Tecnologia e Cincias 6 perodo, sob a orientao do tutor Aldo Costa.


I was born in March 29th 1989, in Salvador. I lived in Sapeau from 1996 to 2006 with my grandmother Francisca. After that, I come back to Salvador and started working in a company from 2007 to 2012. At the present time I am living alone. I was always a dedicated student. I studied all the time on public school. In 2009 I started the undergraduate course at FTC. I study Letters and a Modern Foreign Language. I always liked the English Language and would like to learn some day. Then, last year (2011) I started the English course at Uneb and up to now I do five grades. Thus I am studying the intermediate grade. The learning in a long distance course isnt as bad as someone says. The success doesnt depend on the teacher, but dedication from student. I have taught since 2011. I started teaching the secondary school. In this year I am teaching the primary and high school too. In the future, I intend go on the study in English Language and always work in this field of study.

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