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Charissa Atcosta EDRL 461-Spring 2012 Words Their Way: Spelling Inventory Narrative On February 24th, 2012, an elementary

spelling inventory was given to Alexander to determine his spelling stage. This assessment consisted of 25 words at the 1st-3rd grade level. Each word was given with a sentence to help the student hear how the word should be used. Out of the 25 words given, Alexander was able to spell 12 correctly with mostly minor errors on the incorrect words. The results of this assessment indicate that his spelling stage is middle within word pattern (4/7) or late within word pattern (2/5). Features that he has difficulties with are other vowels (non-common vowel words: er, ew, ar, ow, oi) and inflected endings (-ed, ing, ies). He is being placed in this spelling stage because these are the first areas where he missed 2 or more points in the categories. Given the results of this assessment, our main goal for Alexander is to increase his words spelled correctly and to move his spelling stage up to early syllables and affixes, where his difficulties continue. To help Alexander improve his spelling at this stage, we will use word sorts with words containing other non-common vowels and inflected endings. During these word sorts, we will use the same words for one week at a time (2 weeks, if needed) and use many different sorts such as pattern sorts, teacher-directed sorts, and student centered sorts (including open or closed sorts). Each word sort will be cut out and pasted onto a piece of paper with labels telling how the words are sorted each time. We will continue to increase the spelling stage that the word sorts are planned and help him increase his words spelled correctly.

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