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QUESTIONS: Q 1: What customers needs and wants lead to the demand for satellite telephone service? A: Many developing countries and even large areas of United State and Europe have no cellular coverage. There people worried about being out of touch when they travel to far-away places. They were afraid of missing out on corporate developments back at the home office or being out of touch. They were also worried about neglecting their families. These customers needs and wants that lead to the demand for satellite telephone service.

Q2: How have changes in marketing environment affected demand for telephone services? Do you think there is a market for satellite telephone service? A: Micro and Macro both environments affect the demand of telephone service. Different threats of new competitors affect the demand by providing more opportunities, introducing new packages, good services etc, to increase demand. Company, management, suppliers, public etc also affect the demand. I dont think so that there is a good market for satellite telephone service because its not necessary that all people want to be remain connected with others.

Q3: What marketing mistakes did Iridium make? Why do you think it made these mistakes? A: Iridium backers believed that there was a large potential market for its telephone service. Some of its partners lacked telecommunication experience. Advertisement stared three months before the launching date. Company forwarded the inquiries to regional partners but most of them were unable or unprepared to follow up. When company finally launched the service, phones were in short supply and due to this company leads to the bankruptcy and reorganization. The reasons behind it that they are might be targeting the wrong market. Iridium was not familiar with that its competitors were right behind it. It neglects the competitors threats. People are not willing to pay much amount to obtain service. They spent a lot of money to advertise their product to make people familiar with it. These are the reason behind all their mistakes.

Q4: Chapter 1 develops the theme of connectedness. What examples of connectedness do you see in the Globalstar case? A: Globalstar offers roaming, positioning, facsimile, and data transmission services. Also giving the people full coverage at the cheapest price and also providing the accessories that allow to use the phone in car or in ship.

Q5: Outline Globalstar marketing process, including its segmentation, targeting and preparing and marketing mix decisions. Do you think that it would be more successful then Iridium? Why and why not? A: Globalstar divide the market segmentation including those people who wanted to remain connected all the time whenever they want and wherever they are. It targets the market of those customers who do not have phone, who live in areas where there is no cellular service. They want to target people who live in the semi modern world, who are missing instant communication. Globalstar wants to develop its market position by designing multimode phones, that giving the opportunity to people to get full coverage at cheapest prices. Allow accessories to use in car and ships. In addition to vocal communication it offers roaming, positioning, facsimile and data transmission service. Then Globalstar plan the marketing mix to influence the demand for its product. Its PRODUCT is multimode phone that allow using in car, ships, vocal communication, data transmission, offer roaming and other features to attract the customers. Its PRICE is about $1250 with service about $1.25 per minute. To provide service in different PLACES it builds its infrastructure in different areas. Globalstar sell its access to its regional and local Telecommunication service companies worldwide. It wants to construct 48 satellites in orbits to start full commercial service. Globalstar havent worked so much to PROMOTE its product. It havent offer any sales promotion and packages to attract the users but it announced the official introduction of its service.

I dont think so it is more successful then iridium but it will not consider as bankrupt like iridium because it is facing a lot of problems, like have to deal with more the 11 government regulators, handle currency crises & complete construction of its 36 gateways.

CASE NO. 2 TRAP-EASE AMERICA.. THE BIG CHEESE OF MOUSETRAP Questions: Q1: Martha and Trap-Ease America investors believe they face a once-in-a-life opportunity. How do you think the group would write its mission statement? A: Marthas mission statement is If a man [can].make a better mousetrap than his neighbor..the world will make a beaten path to his door

Q2: Has Martha identify the best target market for Trap-Ease? What other market segments the firm might be target? A: I think she has targeted the right market. Firm can also target that market segments that live near the forest, it also target the hotels, bakers etc where a lot number of mouse will found on different smells of food.

Q3: How has the company positioned the Trap-Ease for the chosen target market? Could it position the product in other ways? A: Martha positioned the Trap-Ease for the chosen market in a way that women didnt like the traditional trap because often stay at home and took care of their children and they wanted a means of dealing with a mouse problem that avoided the unpleasantness. Consumer can use it as safely and easily with no risk of catching their fingers while loading like traditional springloaded traps. It posed no injury or poisoning threats to children. It created no clean up problem and user could reuse it or simply throw it away.

Q4: Describe the current marketing mix for Trap-Ease. Do you see any problem with this mix? A: Trap-Ease marketing mix includes; 1. Product; Trap-Ease launching a Mouse Trap which is an easiest way to catch the mouse. The trap consists of a square tube which bent in middle and its one end is elevated. When the target entered in it, the elevated end of the trap dropped down word and traps the mouse.

2. Price; Price of trap is suggested to the retailer is about $2.49.

3. Place; Martha decided to distribute the Trap Ease through national grocery, hardware, and drug chains such as Safeway, Kmart, Hochingers, and CB Drug. 4. Promotion; To promote the product she sold trap in packages of two in price of $2.49. She spent $60,000 for the promotion of her product and mouse trap generated a lot of publicity. She had placed advertisement in Good Housekeeping and in other Home & Shelter magazines. Q5: Who is Trap-Ease Americans competition? A: The traditional spring loaded trap is in Trap-Ease competition.

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