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P-2. Explain the key elements of a lesson plan.

A. Summary of the Lesson Plan A brief explanation regarding what the lesson is about and what the students will be learning. B. Student Population The grade level, skill level, and a description of how the students will be working (partners, independent, whole group) should be included under student population. Students with an IEP or any modifications should also be included. C. Materials All materials that are needed for the lesson should be included. Books, papers, transparencies, white board, etc need to be noted. This is meant to prepare the teacher for the lesson. D. Objectives Common Core State Standard The CCSS that relates to the lesson should be written in this spot as it is written on curriculum engine or wiki-teacher. The lesson and standard should directly relate to one another. Learning Targets Knowledge, reasoning, and performance targets should be listed as they relate to the lesson and the standard. E. Procedure 1. A numbered or bulleted list that specifically describes what will be occurring during the lesson. The procedure should be written in such a way that anyone can duplicate the lesson if they followed the instructions. If it is a multiday lesson, what the students will be doing each day should be included. Direct instruction, guided practice, and independent practice should be stated. F. Assessment This will determine if the students got it or not. The assessment should relate to the CCSS and should measure how well the student understands the material. An informal or formal assessment can be used. Any method that will be measuring students progress should be included in this section. G. Reflection After the lesson is complete, a reflection regarding how it went and what should be changed/modified if the lesson were to be repeated. A well thought out reflection should use the assessment at the end of the lesson to determine if the students did or did not understand the material.

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