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Cell Cycle & Mitosis

Mohammad Abdelmordy Ayoub Demonstrator at Genetics Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University.


Cell Division


)Somatic cells(

Mitotic Division
Mitotic division produces two daughter identical cells to the parent cell. If the mother cells is haploid (N), the daughter cells will be haploid. If the mother cells is diploid (2n), the daughter cells will be diploid. n n



Mitotic Division
Importance 1- Increase cell numbers (Growth) 2- Replace damaged tissues.

Cell Cycle
Synthesis of enzymes & other proteins (Tubulin) in preparation for mitosis

The cell grows in size. Synthesis of organelles occurs. DNA synthesis (DNA Replication). Centrosome duplication.


Mitotic Division Phases

1- Prophase 2- Metaphase 3- Anaphase

4- Telophase

Chromosomes begin to supercoil. (So, length decreases, diameter increases & contrast (Visualization) increases. Nuclear membrane is fragmented. Gradient disappear of Nucleolus. A system of microtubules needed to move the chromosomes begins to form during prophase. The microtubules, also called spindle fibers, form from an area of the cell called the centrosome.

Nuclear Membrane is broken Microtubules attach to kinetochores (which anchor to centromere of each chromosome.

Microtubules move the attached chromosomes into the metaphase plate (Equatorial Plate)

Three Types of Microtubules

Kinetochore microtubules Polar microtubules Asters microtubules Arrested Metaphase

Two chromatids separate away each other into the poles.
In result of; Shortening of kinetochore microtubules. Elongation of polat microtubules.

The reverse events of prophase events.
Nuclear envelope & Nucleolus reappear

Chromosomes uncoil ( chromosome length, chromosome diameter & contrast). One Cell with two nucleuses (each 2n)

Animal Cell : cleavage furrow or contractile ring then each cell separates. Plant Cell : Cell plate formed which then converted into cell walls for each separated cell.

Summary of Mitosis
Prophase: Chromosomes condense Nuclear envelope disappears centrosomes move to opposite sides of the cell Spindle forms and attaches to centromeres on the chromosomes
Metaphase Chromosomes lined up on equator of the cell Anaphase Duplicated chromosomes split: each 2-chromatid chromosome becomes two 1-chromatid chromosomes Chromosomes pulled to opposite poles by the spindle fibers Telophase Chromosomes de-condense Nuclear envelope reappears Cytokinesis: the cytoplasm is divided into 2 cells

Mitosis in Plants





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