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(Too) much/ (too) many/

(not) enough/ too/ very

Cultura Express 3 – Interlink

By Natália Guerreiro
Sufficient or Insufficient?
a) I don’t have enough friends.
b) I have enough friends.
c) He’s not attractive enough.
d) He’s attractive enough.
Choose the ending.
This is excessive
a) I love you too much. and can be bad.

b) I love you very much. a lot, but not bad

(a) So let’s break up.

(b) Will you marry me?
Think of possible endings.
a) There are too many people here.
b) There are many people here.
c) They are very wealthy/ They have lots of money.
d) They are too rich/ They have too much money.
e) She’s too beautiful.
f) She’s very beautiful. Match.

D = 1. Their children are spoiled.

B = 2. What a great party!
A = 3. So let’s go out for some fresh air.
E = 4. She will never even look at me.
What’s the situation? Is it a problem?

The problem with my town is that

violence? crimes?
dangerous? safe?
traffic? cars/taxis/ vans?
polluted? dirty? clean?

I agree/don’t agree...
As the saying goes...

Too many cooks

spoil the broth.

a) Great chefs work alone.

b) It’s bad when there are lots of
people doing the same work.

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