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Open Day and How the Students Shone on the Day

When people are asked about how to measure a good school, a lot of people may answer that the measurement could be best reckoned by their students quality. In Global Jaya International School (GJIS), students are the core subject in learning process, not the object. With this in mind, all the teaching methods and supporting materials have been designed to facilitate students in every way. This also means that the students are the most reliable source for information about the school for people from outside GJIS community. Thats why, on Saturday, November 10, 2012, students of GJIS were the first spokespersons to meet visiting prospective parents during the Open Day. Students greeted the prospective parents cheerfully as they entered the gate and then showed them around the school. Confidently, they took the parents for a school tour around 30 minutes during which the prospective parents asked several questions about the day-to-day running of the class rooms. The day went on with different activities; there were two sport competitions running on that day, the first one was JAAC Primary Basketball and the second was the Rugby Tournament, student musical performances during break times, and several interesting classroom activities. All provided so that the visiting parents could see how vibrant and balanced the education a child had in Global Jaya. As many as 120 parents came to see the school on that day and 57 of them had committed to follow the registration process for the next school year. Surely they were impressed by our students beside the broad range of facilities we offer. A lot of positive comments came about the students who guided them around the school. Some parents liked the idea that the school put a proportional attention to sports; thus this will ensure them their children will develop physically fit in GJIS. Some others enjoyed the musical performances our students presented; they performed so well as if they were professional musicians. Of course, Open Day could never have gone through smoothly without everyones effort. Here wed like to thank all the teachers and staff for their helpful part in this event, the students who volunteered as tour guides, musical performers, and even just being actively involved in the classrooms. We apologize if we cant name one by one here, but you have been so much accommodating and we highly appreciate all your contribution.

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