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Direct AC/AC Matrix Converters Direct AC/AC Matrix Converters

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Alma Mater Studiorum - Universit di Bologna Viale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna

Matrix Converters
have received considerable attention in recent years may become a good alternative to PWM-VSI topology Bi-directional power flow Sinusoidal input/output waveforms Controllable input power factor Compact design, due to the lack of dc-link capacitors for energy storage Topology complexity of the matrix Topology complexity of the matrix converter makes study a hard task converter makes study a hard task
vi 1 vi 2 vi 3 ii1 ii 2 ii 3

S 11 S 12 S13
io 1

S 21 S 22 S 23
io 2 vo 2

S 31 S 32 S 33
io 3 vo 3


Basic scheme of matrix converters.


Space Vector Modulation (SVM) algorithm

SVM completely exploit the possibility of matrix converters to control the input power factor regardless the output power factor fully utilize the input voltages reduce the number of switch commutations in each cycle period. SVM allows an immediate comprehension of the modulation process without the need for a fictitious DC link avoiding the addition of the third harmonic components.

Switching Configurations

29 = 512 Available 27 Possible 21 = 18+3 usefully employed

Active Configurations Determine an output voltage vector vo , and an input current vector ii , having fixed directions Zero Configurations Determine zero input current and zero output voltage vectors

Switching Configurations Employed

Switching configuration list +1 1 +2 2 +3 3 +4 4 +5 5 +6 6 +7 7 +8 8 +9 9 01 02 03 Switches On S11 S12 S12 S13 S13 S11 S12 S11 S13 S12 S11 S13 S12 S11 S13 S12 S11 S13 S11 S12 S13 S22 S21 S23 S22 S21 S23 S21 S22 S22 S23 S23 S21 S22 S21 S23 S22 S21 S23 S21 S22 S23 S32 S31 S33 S32 S31 S33 S32 S31 S33 S32 S31 S33 S31 S32 S32 S33 S33 S31 S31 S32 S33 vo o ii i -/6 -/6 /2 /2 7/6 7/6 -/6 -/6 /2 /2 7/6 7/6 -/6 -/6 /2 /2 7/6 7/6 -


2/3 v12i 2/3 io1 0 -2/3 v12i -2/3 io1 0 2/3 v23i 2/3 io1 0 -2/3 io1 -2/3 v23i 0 2/3 v31i 2/3 io1 0 -2/3 v31i -2/3 io1 0 2/3 v12i 2/3 io2 2/3 -2/3 io2 -2/3 v12i 2/3 2/3 io2 2/3 v23i 2/3 Active /3configurations configurations -2/3 io2 -2/3 v23i Active 2 2/3 io2 2/3 v31i 2/3 -2/3 io2 -2/3 v31i 2/3 2/3 io3 2/3 v12i 4/3 -2/3 v12i -2/3 io3 4/3 2/3 v23i 2/3 io3 4/3 -2/3 v23i -2/3 io3 4/3 2/3 io3 2/3 v31i 4/3 -2/3 io3 -2/3 v31i 4/3 0 0 0 0 Zero -configurations Zero- configurations 0 0

Output Voltage and Input Current Space Vectors

4,5,6 sector

vo o

2,5,8 i ii




Sectors and directions of the output line-to-neutral voltage vectors.

Sectors and directions of the input current vectors.


SVM Algorithm
At any sampling instant vo and i are known (reference quantities) vi is imposed by the source (known by measurements)

is based on the selection of 4 active configurations that are applied for suitable time intervals within each cycle period Tc. The zero configurations are applied to complete Tc. The control of i can be achieved by controlling the phase angle i of the input current vector.

SVM Algorithm

SVM algorithm
Sector of the output voltage vector (Kv) 1 or 4 Sector of the input current vector (Ki) 1 or 4 2 or 5 3 or 6 +9 +8 +7

2 or 5 +1 +3 +2

3 or 6 +7 +9 +8

+7 +9 +8

+3 +2 +1

+6 +5 +4

+4 +6 +5

+9 +8 +7

+3 +2 +1

+1 +3 +2

+6 +5 +4

+4 +6 +5

Selection of the active switching configurations for each combination of

output voltage sector input current sector


SVM Algorithm

Basic equations of the SVM algorithm

' vo = voI I + voII II = " vo = voIII III

(ii + ii ) j e e j (K 1) 3 = 0 ~ j j ( K 1) 3 III III IV IV (ii + ii ) j e e =0

~ j i
i i i

2 ~ vo cos( o )e j [( Kv 1 ) / 3+ / 3 ] 3 3 2 ~ vo cos( o + )e j [( K v 1 ) / 3 ] + voIV IV = 3 3

To satisfy to the requirements of the reference output voltage vector input current displacement angle.

SVM Algorithm

Solutions of the Basic Equations

~ ~ 2 cos( o / 3 ) cos( i / 3 ) I = ( 1 )K v + K i q 3 cos i ~ ~ 2 cos( o / 3 ) cos( i + / 3 ) II = ( 1 ) K v + K i +1 q 3 cos i ~ ~ cos( o + / 3 ) cos( i / 3 ) K v + K i +1 2 III = ( 1 ) q 3 cos i ~ ~ cos( o + / 3 ) cos( i + / 3 ) Kv +Ki 2 IV = ( 1 ) q 3 cos i

Applied for any combination of output voltage sector Kv input current sector Ki


SVM Algorithm

For the feasibility of the control strategy.

I + II + III + IV 1

Otherwise: the instantaneous values of the input voltages do not allow to satisfy the requirements of output voltage and input power factor.


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