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Tait McKenzie Elf Army

Dear Parents, Please join me in becoming a member of the R.Tait McKenzie Elf Army to benefit Lanark County Interval House this Holiday Season! Lanark County Interval House supports women and children who are threatened by abuse and violence. They provide services to families to help re-build their lives. This includes residential shelter as well as an extensive, county wide outreach program. Every Christmas Interval House connects families in need with donated gifts to help make the holiday season a special one. 1. Purchase a present Donations for all age groups are welcome. There is always a shortage of gifts for the 9 and up age group and for teens. Small denomination gift cards are a great idea for this group. Other suggestions: PJ pants, new clothes, books, soaps, body wash. 2. Fill in the attached Christmas ornament dedicating your donation to someone important to you or your child. It can be a teacher, grandparent or any valued person in your life. 3. Send the unwrapped gift and the paper ornament to school with your child by December 17th, 2012. The ornaments will be hung on our Elf Army Christmas tree in the main lobby of the school. 4. Pat yourself on the back for being a fantastic R.Tait Elf and enjoy a wonderful holiday.

Your generosity is more appreciated than you will ever know during a time of year that is so difficult for some families in our area. Thank you very much!!!
Jennifer Symons R.Tait Mommy and Chief Elf

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