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Meeting Minutes

August 20, 2007

Board members present: Tommy Taylor, Myrna Coleman, Rose Klein, Dianna Wright, Jim
Klein and Kris Meek. Member present: Tami Soper.

Kris Meek brought up the possibility of sponsoring a neighborhood street dance at Down The
Hatch Bar this fall. The owner of Down The Hatch suggested to Kris that if we would split the
costs of the party they would split the receipts with us. We asked that Kris talk to the owner
again and get more details for the next meeting.

Jim Klein made a motion that the board members be paid for their expenses for the pool
party. Seconded by Kris Meek. Approved.

We went over the results and expenses of the pool party. Because it was a cooler and
sometimes rainy day we had about 74 paid swimmers and four new HNA memberships. We
have 160 squirt guns and 77 goodie bags left over to use next year. We found out that former
HNA president Jeff Cumblidge has a hot dog cart and he would be willing to be the food
vendor for us next year. (We couldn’t find a vendor this year.) The possible date for next
year’s pool party is July 26, 2008.

Myrna Coleman said that she will come up with a thank you letter and will e-mail it to Kris
Meek. Kris will put it on letterhead and send it out to us in e-mail. That way each board
member who solicited donations can send a thank you to the businesses that donated.

Treasurer Jim Klein will call the NE Dept. of Revenue to get a Tax ID number and an EIN
number so that people can deduct donations or memberships to the HNA. He will find out
about the Certificate of Revival or Renewal for our Non-Profit Corporation with the state.

Tommy Taylor wants to call all the members whose memberships have expired. Tami Soper,
Kris Meek and Jim Klein suggested that we send the last newsletter with a cover letter to the
members whose memberships have expired. Jim Klein made a motion that Tommy does not
call anybody. Seconded by Myrna Coleman. Motion defeated.

Tami Soper made a motion that one to two weeks prior to us mailing the fall newsletter to
members whose membership has expired, Tommy may call them to thank them for their past
support and let them know that we will mail them a newsletter. Seconded by Dianna Wright.

The next meeting will be Monday, September 17, 2007 at 7:30 at Fredstrom School. This
meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.

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