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Bhagavadgt Chapter 2 Translation

Sanjaya said, 1. "Honey Slayer spoke this speech to he who was lamenting, filled with pity and whose eyes were sorrowful and filled with tears, The Holy Lord said, 2. 'O Arjuna! From whence doth this pusillanimity in a rugged place, which is disgrace causing and loved by the ignoble, which is unsuited to heaven, come upon thee? 3. Thou shoulds't not, verily, go unto an eunic-like position, O Son of Partha, it should approach thee here not in this manner. Having abandoned a vile, impotent heart, thou shoulds't ariseth, O Foe Scourer.' Arjuna said, 4. 'How shalt I fight against the Venerable Two: Terrible One, and the Bucket One, O Honey Slayer, in conflict with arrows, O Foe Destroyer? 5. Having not killed the chiefs, the superior state is to bow to the Mighty Ones and, verily, also, living on alms in the country. Lo! Having killed here the Venerable Ones, it is as if I were to bow to booty and pleasures which are coiled snakes besmeared with blood! 6. And we see not which of us two is greater, or if we would conquer, or they conquered us! The Sons of Dhrtarashtra, those whom just so having killed, we wish to not remain alive, are those whose standing place is in front! 7. I, whose own being is afflicted with a wanton pitiable-condition and whose mind is a dolt with regards to duty, ask of thee. Let that be proclaimed by thee which can be, peradventure, ascertained as superior for me. I who art thy pupil, prostate to thee, let me be chastised by thee! 8. Verily, I see not that which removes the scolding misery of my senses, which, having obtained the next two worlds, is a kingdom of unrivaled prosperity and the sovereignty of the deities to boot!'

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