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Cole Miller Period 2 2-1-12 Compare and Contrast When one of the most well known kings on planet

earth was discovered, there was a great commotion on how the boy king, Tutankhamen died? The pharaoh had to undue what his father Akhenaten had done to Egypt. King Akhenaten messed up Egypt by making everyone believe in one god and they couldnt believe in any other gods and he also changed the capital, so King Tut had to change it back. He also had a very close priest named tut that could have easily murdered him. Most of Egypt thought Tut was a good king because he undid all the things his father did to Egypt. Tut was married at nine to her sister. When King Tut was given the crown he was nine and he was to rule all of Egypt, thats a super hard job for a nine year old. This underage king died from an unknown cause, some scientist think he was murdered by a priest with the name of Aye, others think he died from natural causes. DNA evidence has uncovered that King Tut had a very deadly type of malaria. Dr. Zahi Hawass who did the CAT scan on King Tut discovered that the Boy King also had a fracture in his leg, which could easily have resulted in death. King Tut could have broken his leg in any number of things but the most likely that he fell of a chariot. He also could have easily died of malaria. According to National Geographics The scientists found DNA from the mosquito-borne parasite that causes malaria in the young pharaoh's bodythe oldest known genetic proof of the disease. This proves that King Tutankhamen had malaria and could have easily died from it. Other ways Tut could have

died was if he fell of a chariot, but scientists think he wasnt riding chariots because he had a clubbed foot. Others think the bone he broke was from Howard Carters bad skills from getting king Tut from his tomb. Other scientist thinks that he got gene green from the fractured femur, which he could easily have died from. Either one of these options could have killed King Tutankhamen but which one killed the great Boy King. Nevertheless, King Tutankhamen could have also died of murder. A lot of people think he was murdered by Aye, a priest. The reason anyone would want to murder King Tut is because king Akhenaten mistreated all of the polytheistic people and made then only Believe in one god, and that god was Aten. Aye was also King Akhenatens best priest. King Akhenaten also moved the capital to a place were he could be away from the people of Egypt. That is why Aye would murder King Tut, just because of his father. King Tut also had a bone from his spine in his skull, which could have been from being attacked, or it could have been from the bad excavation skills of Howard Carter or it could have been from the mummification process. Another option was that someone had clubbed him in the back of the head, this person would have to be very close to him; the most likely suspect was Aye. Bob Brier believes King Tut was murdered by Aye. When scientists took the CAT scan in 2005 they discovered a cloudy blood clog in the base of the cranium, which could have been from a blow to the head. Another option was that they discovered a small penny sized hole next to the ear, which was probably an arrow that went into his head, this could have easily have killed him. But who could have done this? After Tut was killed, Aye did the mummification process, and it turned out that the tomb was messy and had resin all over and it, and King Tut was stuck to the bottom of his tomb. This could have been because Aye murdered him and he wanted all

the evidence concealed. Other evidence show there was resin on the sarcophagus, and this shows Aye was hurrying the burial process. Tut also had his heart removed which is terrible because if you have your heart removed, in the after life you would be dead which is like the worst thing that could happen to you if you were living in Egypt. Even though historians have different theories on the true cause of King Tuts death, closer examination reveals that he died of natural causes. Cat scan from 2005 shows there was no damage to the skull that means that he was not murdered. Overall King Tut died of a broken bone getting infected. This means he was killed by natural causes and not murder. King Tut must have fallen of a chariot while riding for fun or into battle. Scientist know he broken the bone before he was found by Howard Carter Who could have broken the bone. Scientist know that he broken the bone before he was found in the valley of kings because there was a thick coating of resin over the break. This shows that King Tutankhamen was killed by natural causes because there is no good evidence that he was murdered. According to Sherfan Lovgren of natural Geographics magazine he states the CT scan shows a thin coating embalming resin around the leg break suspecting that Tut broke the bone just before he died and that his death may have resulted from an infection or ether complications, King Tut couldnt have died from just a bone break he had to have gotten an infection, most likely gene green. This shows King Tut died of natural causes because of a broken bone and not murder. Over all King Tut died from a broken leg and malaria. Lots of people will always remember King Tut. He died tragically of a broken leg and malaria. Lots of scientists have always believed he was murdered put they have been proved wrong. King Tutankhamen died of natural causes. Scientists thought he was murdered by Aye but

truthfully he died of a broken leg that got infected and he also had malaria tropical the most deadly type of malaria and today it is still fatal. King Tut will always be remembered in every ones hearts, even today and he will be remembered in all of are hearts and wont ever leave us. King Tutankhamen was 19 when he died but he is always in our hearts.

Bibliography Brier, Bob. The Murder of Tutankhamen: A True Story. New York: Putnam, 1998. Print.s Williams, A.R. "King Tut." Revealed. National Geographic, June 2005. Web. 29 Jan. 2013.

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