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The Rizal Law

What is the Rizal Law? The Proponents of the Law Opponents of the Law Reasons for Opposition Why are Rizals novels anti-Catholic? Rectos Counter Why is this law important?

An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities courses on the Life Works and Writings of JOSE RIZAL, particularly his novels NOLI ME TANGERE and EL FILIBUSTERISMO, Authorizing the Printing and Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes. (RA 1425 preamble)

WHEREAS, today, more than any other period of our history, there is a need for a re-dedication to the ideals of freedom and nationalism for which our heroes lived and died; WHEREAS, it is meet that in honoring them, particularly the national hero and patriot, Jose Rizal, we remember with special fondness and devotion their lives and works that have shaped the national character; WHEREAS, the life, works and writing of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, are a constant and inspiring source of patriotism with which the minds of the youth, especially during their formative and decisive years in school, should be suffused; WHEREAS, all educational institutions are under the supervision of, and subject to regulation by the State, and all schools are enjoined to develop moral character, personal discipline, civic conscience and to teach the duties of citizenship; Now, therefore:

Courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novel Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, shall be included in the curricula of all schools, colleges and universities, public or private: Provided, That in the collegiate courses, the original or unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo of their English translation shall be used as basic texts.

It shall be obligatory on all schools, colleges and universities to keep in their libraries an adequate number of copies of the original and unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as of Rizal's other works and biography. The said unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo or their translations in English as well as other writings of Rizal shall be included in the list of approved books for required reading in all public or private schools, colleges and universities. The Board of National Education shall determine the adequacy of the number of books, depending upon the enrollment of the school, college or university.

The Board of National Education shall cause the translation of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as other writings of Jose Rizal into English, Tagalog and the principal Philippine dialects; cause them to be printed in cheap, popular editions; and cause them to be distributed, free of charge, to persons desiring to read them, through the Purok organizations and Barrio Councils throughout the country.

Nothing in this Act shall be construed as amendment or repealing section nine hundred twenty-seven of the Administrative Code, prohibiting the discussion of religious doctrines by public school teachers and other person engaged in any public school.

Sen. Claro M. Recto

Sen. Jose P. Laurel

The Spirit of 1896 Alagad Ni Rizal Freemasons Booklovers Society Philippine Public School Teachers Association

Emilio Aguinaldo

Rufino Cardinal Santos

Sen. Lorenzo Tanada

Sen. Francisco Soc Rodrigo Sen. Decoroso Rosales Roman Catholic Church

Sen. Quintin Paredes

Rizals novels are anti-Catholic. Rizal is a Freemason. Membership in Freemasonry constitute an automatic excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church. Compelling Catholics to read Rizals novels in its UNEXPURGATED version teaches heresy and violate their freedom of conscience. The Catholic hierarchy wants an expurgated version to be taught in class while the unexpurgated version shall be locked away in school libraries. If the Rizal Law shall be enacted, Catholic schools will close their schools and threatened to punish erring legislators in future elections.

The friars are portrayed negatively.

Padre Damaso an abrasive friar and the father of Maria Clara. Padre Sibyla a cunning yet clever friar. Padre Salvi has infatuation with Maria Clara and framed Crisostomo Ibarra in an uprising. Padre Camorra lustful and attempted to rape Jul. Padre Irene let Kapitan Tiagos addiction of opium continue and forged his last will and testament. Padre Millon a professor who publicly humiliates his students to compensate his ignorance in Physics.

Rizal criticized the Medieval way of the Church e.g. excommunication, indulgences, miracles of the saints, and purgatory. Rizal pointed out the excesses of the Church such as lavish fiestas and processions. Rizal criticized the meddling of the friars in the affairs of the state and the lives of ordinary people.

You know well enough what the Indian isjust as soon as he gets a little learning he sets himself up as a doctor! All these little fellows that go to Europe But, listen, your Reverence! interrupted the alcalde, who was becoming nervous over the aggressiveness of such talk. Every one ends up as he deserves, the friar continued. The hand of God is manifest in the midst of it all, and one must be blind not to see it. Even in this life the fathers of such vipers receive their punishment, they die in jail ha, ha! As we might say, they have nowhere But he did not finish the sentence. Ibarra, livid, had been following him with his gaze and upon hearing this allusion to his father jumped up and dropped a heavy hand on the priests head, so that he fell back stunned. The company was so filled with surprise and fright that no one made any movement to interfere. Chapter XXXIV The Dinner Noli Me Tangere

Does your Reverence think The old man regarded him sadly. Keep it clearly before you, he answered, gasping for breath. Our power will last as long as it is believed in. If they attack us, the government will say, They attack them because they see in them an obstacle to their liberty, so then let us preserve them. But if it should government It will not listen! listen to them? Sometimes the

Chapter IX Local Affairs Noli Me Tangere

Ay! it moaned, shaking with affliction, I loved a maiden, the daughter of a priest, pure as light, like the freshly opened lotus! The young priest of Abydos also desired her and planned a rebellion, using my name and some papyri that he had secured from my beloved. The rebellion broke out at the time when Cambyses was returning in rage over the disasters of his unfortunate campaign. I was accused of being a rebel, was made a prisoner, and having effected my escape was killed in the chase on Lake Moeris. From out of eternity I saw the imposture triumph. I saw the priest of Abydos night and day persecuting the maiden, who had taken refuge in a temple of Isis on the island of Philae. I saw him persecute and harass her, even in the subterranean chambers, I saw him drive her mad with terror and suffering, like a huge bat pursuing a white dove. Ah, priest, priest of Abydos, I have returned to life to expose your infamy, and after so many years of silence, I name thee murderer, hypocrite, liar! A dry, hollow laugh accompanied these words, while a choked voice responded, No! Mercy! It was Padre Salvi, who had been overcome with terror and with arms extended was slipping in collapse to the floor. ...

Murderer, slanderer, hypocrite! repeated the head. I accuse youmurderer, murderer, murderer!
Chapter XVIII Legerdemain El Filibusterismo

That was the decisive stroke. In the face of that reproach, with wrath and desperation mingled, like one who rushes to suicide, Juli closed her eyes in order not to see the abyss into which she was hurling herself and resolutely entered the convento. A sigh that sounded like the rattle of death escaped from her lips. Sister Bali followed, telling her how to act.
That night comments were mysteriously whispered about certain events which had occurred that afternoon. A girl had leaped from a window of the convento, falling upon some stones and killing herself. Almost at the same time another woman had rushed out of the convento to run through the streets shouting and screaming like a lunatic. The prudent townsfolk dared not utter any names and many mothers pinched their daughters for letting slip expressions that might compromise them. Chapter XXX Juli El Filibusterismo

Capitan Tiago is getting along about the same as usual, yes, sir, said the student Basilio, shaking his head. He wont submit to any treatment. At the advice of a certain person he is sending me to San Diego under the pretext of looking after his property, but in reality so that he may be left to smoke his opium with complete liberty.
When the student said a certain person, he really meant Padre Irene, a great friend and adviser of Capitan Tiago in his last days. Chapter II On the Lower Deck El Filibusterismo

Nak, a metaphysician, but a rather premature one! So you cant conceive of it, eh? Sed patet experientia and contra experientiam negantem, fusilibus est arguendum, do you understand? And cant you conceive, with your philosophical head, that one can be absent from the class and not know the lesson at the same time? Is it a fact that absence necessarily implies knowledge? What do you say to that, philosophaster?
This last epithet was the drop of water that made the full cup overflow. Placido enjoyed among his friends the reputation of being a philosopher, so he lost his patience, threw down his book, arose, and faced the professor. Enough, Padre, enough! Your Reverence can put all the marks against me that you wish, but you havent the right to insult me. Your Reverence may stay with the class, I cant stand any more. Without further farewell, he stalked away. Chapter XIII The Class in Physics El Filibusterismo

The murmurs and whispers increased. A number of people approached the young man and said to him, Were with you, dont take any notice of them. Whom do you mean by them? Ibarra asked in surprise. Those whove just left to avoid contact with you. Left to avoid contact with me?

Yes, they say that youre excommunicated.

Excommunicated? The astonished youth did not know what to say. He looked about him and saw that Maria Clara was hiding her face behind her fan. But is it possible? he exclaimed finally. Are we still in the Dark Ages? So Chapter XL Right and Might Noli Me Tangere

Here Sister Rufa paused to give more attention to her chewing. The women gazed at her in admiration, but the man who was pacing back and forth remarked with some disdain, Well, this year Ive gained four plenary indulgences more than you have, Sister Rufa, and a hundred years more, and that without praying much either. More than I? More than six hundred and eighty-nine plenary indulgences or nine hundred ninety-four thousand eight hundred and fifty-six years? queried Rufa, somewhat disgruntled. Thats it, eight indulgences and a hundred fifteen years more and a few months over, answered the man, from whose neck hung soiled scapularies and rosaries. Thats not strange! admitted Rufa, at last admitting defeat. Youre an expert, the best in the province. Chapter XVIII Souls in Torment Noli Me Tangere

When Juli opened her sorrowing eyes, she saw that the house was still dark, but the cocks were crowing. Her first thought was that perhaps the Virgin had performed the miracle and the sun was not going to rise, in spite of the invocations of the cocks. She rose, crossed herself, recited her morning prayers with great devotion, and with as little noise as possible went out on the batalan. There was no miraclethe sun was rising and promised a magnificent morning, the breeze was delightfully cool, the stars were paling in the east, and the cocks were crowing as if to see who could crow best and loudest. That had been too much to askit were much easier to request the Virgin to send the two hundred and fifty pesos. What would it cost the Mother of the Lord to give them? But underneath the image she found only the letter of her father asking for the ransom of five hundred pesos. There was nothing to do but go, so, seeing that her grandfather was not stirring, she thought him asleep and began to prepare breakfast. Strange, she was calm, she even had a desire to laugh! What had she had last night to afflict her so? She was not going very far, she could come every second day to visit the house, her grandfather could see her, and as for Basilio, he had known for some time the bad turn her fathers affairs had taken, since he had often said to her, When Im a physician and we are married, your father wont need his fields. Chapter XIII Merry Christmas El Filibusterismo

But let us now see where Catholicism got this idea, which does not exist in the Old Testament nor in the Gospels. Neither Moses nor Christ made the slightest mention of it, and the single passage which is cited from Maccabees is insufficient. Besides, this book was declared apocryphal by the Council of Laodicea and the holy Catholic Church accepted it only later. Neither have the pagan religions anything like it. The oft-quoted passage in Virgil, Aliae panduntur inanes, which probably gave occasion for St. Gregory the Great to speak of drowned souls, and to Dante for another narrative in his Divine Comedy, cannot have been the origin of this belief. Neither the Brahmins, the Buddhists, nor the Egyptians, who may have given Rome her Charon and her Avernus, had anything like this idea. Chapter XIV Tasio: Lunatic or Sage Noli Me Tangere

The fiesta is over. The people of the town have again found, as in every other year, that their treasury is poorer, that they have worked, sweated, and stayed awake much without really amusing themselves, without gaining any new friends, and, in a word, that they have dearly bought their dissipation and their headaches. But this matters nothing, for the same will be done next year, the same the coming century, since it has always been the custom.

Chapter XLII The Espadaas Noli Me Tangere

Unfortunate saint! muttered the Sage Tasio, who was watching the procession from the street, it avails you nothing to have been the forerunner of the Good Tidings or that Jesus bowed before you! Your great faith and your austerity avail you nothing, nor the fact that you died for the truth and your convictions, all of which men forget when they consider nothing more than their own merits. It avails more to preach badly in the churches than to be the eloquent voice crying in the desert, this is what the Philippines teaches you! If you had eaten turkey instead of locusts and had worn garments of silk rather than hides, if you had joined a Corporation But the old man suspended his apostrophe at the approach of St. Francis. Didnt I say so? he then went on, smiling sarcastically. This one rides on a ear, and, good Heavens, what a car! How many lights and how many glass lanterns! Never did I see you surrounded by so many luminaries, Giovanni Bernardone! And what music! Other tunes were heard by your followers after your death! But, venerable and humble founder, if you were to come back to life now you would see only degenerate Eliases of Cortona, and if your followers should recognize you, they would put you in jail, and perhaps you would share the fate of Cesareus of Spyre. Chapter XXXVIII The Procession Noli Me Tangere

The curate arose and approached Don Filipo, with whom he began an animated conversation. The former spoke in a nervous manner, the latter in a low, measured voice. Im sorry that I cant please your Reverence, said Don Filipo, but Seor Ibarra is one of the heaviest contributors and has a right to be here as long as he doesnt disturb the peace. But isnt it disturbing the peace to scandalize good Christians? Its letting a wolf enter the fold. You will answer for this to God and the authorities! I always answer for the actions that spring from my own will, Padre, replied Don Filipo with a slight bow. But my little authority does not empower me to mix in religious affairs. Those who wish to avoid contact with him need not talk to him. Seor Ibarra forces himself on no one.

But its giving opportunity for danger, and he who loves danger perishes in it.
I dont see any danger, Padre. The alcalde and the CaptainGeneral, my superior officers, have been talking with him all the afternoon and its not for me to teach them a lesson. If you dont put him out of here, well leave.

Im very sorry, but I cant put any one out of here. The curate repented of his threat, but it was too late to retract, so he made a sign to his companion, who arose with regret, and the two went out together. The persons attached to them followed their example, casting looks of hatred at Ibarra.
Chapter XL Right and Might Noli Me Tangere

Recto will pass a bill nationalizing all Catholics schools in the Philippines should they all close because of the Rizal Law. Also, he added that the opponents of the law are now killing Rizals memory in the consciousness of the Filipino people.

Honouring our heroes with special fondness and devotion their lives and works that have shaped the national character. No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the Government for redress of grievances. (Art. 3, Sec. 8. 1935 Constitution) There is a need for a re-dedication to the ideals of freedom and nationalism for which our heroes lived and died. RA 1425 A constant and inspiring source of patriotism especially the youth. RA 1425

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