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Op amp limitations

Voltage output swing and frequency response

Output voltage
Output voltage is determined by multiplying your input voltage by your gain. Output voltage has limitations Since we are really reshaping the power supply voltage to look like the input voltage we can not exceed the power supply voltages on our out put

Output voltage

Bandwidth is the defined frequency response a amplifier circuit To determine the bandwidth of an op-amp circuit you must first know the UGB or unity gain bandwidth

As frequency rises the gain of an op-amp goes down, eventually it will reach unity or a gain of one The frequency this occurs at is the UGB, this is something that will be supplied by the manufacturer on a data sheet.

Frequency vs Gain plot

Calculating frequency response

Once UGB is know it is easy to calculate the frequency response of an op-amp amplifier circuit The formula is UGB/Av=BW Av is the voltage gain for the specific amplifier BW is the bandwidth, this will be the frequency at which the gain will start to reduce

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