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Questionnaire results

For this task I created a questionnaire to gain feedback off my target audience, to gain the feedback I went round college asking people if they liked dance music, if they replied yes I would mark down their gender and hand them the questionnaire to fill in along with a copy of my double page spread and front cover, I asked an equal number of males and females to fill out the questionnaire so that I could see the difference between male and female answers. Also my finding will be un valid to ethnicity as all ppts were white. After I had got all 10 questionnaires filled out I then typed out my findings in excel to be able to get the full results and create charts. Here are my results.

How would you rate the quality of my pictures?

10% 30%
Very good Good


Ok Bad Very bad

As you can see 60% of my target audience thought the quality of my images was good, this shows a majority liked the quality of them but might think there not up to mixmag standard which id have to take into consideration if I were to do the task again. 30% said they were very good quality images and that could show that my images were up to the standard that some people find in magazines. Then there was 10% who thought they were just ok and nothing spectacular about them. Also the 30% that said it was very good and half of the 60% that said it was good were all male, this shows that I am getting good feed back from the main target audience of mixmag as they a mainly males. From these results I can conclude that the majority of my audience liked the pictures and thought they were good quality.

Do you think the cover fits well together?



Yes No

In these results it show how many people thought my front cover fits well together, 90% of the participants said yes it does, their reasons for this being they like the colour scheme and the image or that all the text fitted in well with colours, this shows that the majority of my audience like the way the front cover is put together and the individual parts such as the text and colour scheme. However there was 10% that did not think this, their reason for this was that they thought it was too cartoony and looked more like a comic. However this 10% was a female so all male ppts said yes, which is more important due to target audience.

Do you think the double page spread fits well together?

Yes No

As for my double page spread every one of my audience thought it fitted well together, they thought it flowed really well and a smooth look to it. This shows that I did well to create my double page spread for my target audience and therefore imitated my double page spread perfectly.

Is the text readable?


Yes No

Once again all 10 people from my audience said yes, this time they all thought the text was readable, so from this I can say that I chose the right fronts for both pieces of work and also the right sizes of the font too.

Did you find the article intresting?





From this pie chart you can see that 90% of the people that filled out my questionnaire thought that the article about Adam Who? was interesting to them. Reasons for them liking the article were that they found stuff out about Adam Who? that they would like to know and that it is about his life, another person said it was detailed for a Q+A article. The 10% that said they didnt find it interesting said that its not the sort of thing they are into, they prefer to know about the music and not the artist. Again this 10% was female so all males had voted yes showing that I am reaching the right audience with my magazine.

Did you find the colour scheme attractive?





90% of my audience found the colour scheme attractive; their reasons for this were that there is a good contrast and that the colours complement each other. This shows that the colour theme I chose to go with on my front cover was a good choice as a big majority of the audience liked it, the 10% that said no said that it reminded them of the joker from batman and made it seem like a comic. If I were to do this again maybe Id take it into consideration and change the colour scheme.

How closely to a real magazine does my magazine look?



Kind of Not at all

From the results above in the pie chart I can see that more than half of my audience thought it defiantly looked like a real magazine and the 30% thought it kind of looked like one, no one thought it didnt so that can be seen as a good sign. If I were to do this again I would ask the 30% that said kind of why they said that, take what they say on board and make the changes necessary. A reason they may have said kind of might be because that it was on normal paper and was just to sheets so they didnt relate it to a magazine completely. The problem with this is that 2 out of the 5 males that I questioned said kind of, this could be a problem as mixmags audience is predominately male so I would have to make sure to see why they said kind of and change the magazine to what they say to gain their favour.

How would you rate the text used on the front cover?

50% 30%

two three four five

The pie chart above shows how people rated the text used on my front cover, 5 being the highest. As you can see 50% of my participants rated it 5, so 50% really liked the text used on the front cover which shows that the majority think I used the right text. Then 30% rated it 4 which is still good and still means they could like it, there could just be a few things wrong. And then theres the 20% who rated it 3.

How would you rate the text used on the double page spread?
20% 20%
one two


three four five

Then the final chart displays how they rated the text used on the double page spread. As you can see the majority rated it a 4, which to me means they liked it, but there could be a few changes to be made. Then 20% of my participants rated it a 5 and then the last 20% rated it a 3.

The final question on my questionnaire asked my participants to say one thing that they would change in any of my pieces of work here are some of the responses. Some of the people noticed that there was a spelling error on the front cover, they chose this to what they would change, this shows that I did not proof read my front covers text as well as I could and if I were to do it again then I would take more care in reading all the text to make sure there were no errors. Another person said they would change the font of the quote on the main image from the VIP article as it was a bit boring, this I actually agree with as the text is just to plain when I could have changed it to a more stylish font. One more thing someone said they would change is the barcode, again I agree with this as it is a bit distorted due to the size manipulation, if I were to do it again I would go over the bar code and fix it up. So from my result I can see that I did fairly well at recreating a mixmag front cover and double page spread, as most of the answers were positive, however it is not perfect as some people did not like it or did not think it was the best it could be. So if I were to do this task again I would make sure to use these findings to improve my work.

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