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By: Alice Zhang

Chimpanzees are found in dense rainforests and dry savannah woodlands that form a lush, green, broad belt across Western and Central Africa.

Name and description

Chimpanzees can grow form 1-1.5m They have grinding molars and sharp cutting incisors. They have longer arms then their legs which make them climb well with their powerful arms to swing through the canopy The skin on the face, ears, palms, and soles of the feet is bare, and the rest of the body is covered with brown to black hair.

There are around 150,000 to 250,000 individual Chimpanzees in the wild but is slowly decreasing in numbers. The largest remaining populations occur in central Africa, mainly Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo and Cameroon

Chimpanzees mostly live in Rain forests, including mountain forests, and also savannahs.

Threats of Chimpanzees are: Habitat loss- due to building houses, deforestation of trees for firewood, charcoal, and building poles Hunting- They have been a commercial catering to have a taste of wild animals, also they have been consumed in restaurants of north America and Europe

Deforestation- A restriction has been made for loggers can only come on certain days to log

Video -LA


How big can a chimpanzee grow?

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