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Dare to Dream

Visualize your actions

Try new things

Who has Confidence in himself will gain the confidence of others

Love Environment

Avoid Procrastination

Please. Love the ones who love you




in which information flows in only one direction

no feedback from the receiver


and easier for sender




in which information flows in two directions

receiver provides feedback

Eye contact : the most important channel of Communication. When you directly look at the person (while speaking), your sincerity is conveyed.

Smile : Smiling is contagious Mouth : yawning and wide open mouth considered as rude. Eye-blink : This is rapid closing and opening of the eyes. Our blink rate reveals the psychological arousal of our mind.

Firm, but not bone-crushing Lasts about 3 seconds May be "pumped" once or twice from the elbow Is released after the shake, even if the introduction continues Includes good eye contact with the other person Hold your drink in your left hand to avoid a cold, wet handshake

It shows disliking and disagreement. He/she may not feel like participating the discussion.

Dont Forget Dont Hesitate I will try Unfortunately Free Discount Sadly We cant do that Just a second

Colour Red Blue Yellow Orange Purple Green Black Brown White

Mood Hot, angry, hostile, excited Cool, Leisurely Unpleasant hostile, jovial Disturbed Defiant Depressed, Sad Cool, pleasant Sad Dejected, unhappy Joy, Neutral

Focus Is the key

can lift up to 20 times their own body weight

King Solomon wrote: "Go to the ant, consider its ways and be wise".

Help others, but dont carry them

Positive traits connect you with people

Go with Time Dont Race against time

Emulate Deep sea Calm Exterior. still Deep interior

Dont Overload yourself

Enjoy each moment of life

Protect yourself from Excess

Be a Child


Thank you
Thank you

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