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Ganster, Anne Langue Orale Syllabus, Spring 2013 Important information: There are 12 weeks of class.

The final oral exam will take place in week 12 during class time (May 15, 2013). Assessment: participation (/20): this mark includes presence and participation in class discussions and activities. Those who attend class, but who remain silent throughout cannot possibly expect to get a pass mark for this part of the assessment. They will be penalised. Those who attend class and participate on a regular basis can expect to get a pass mark or more. short in-class presentation (/20): You will do a 10-15 minute in class presentation on the date I have selected for you. You must submit your topic to me no later than the Monday before your class presentation. To submit your topic, email me a brief outline, including your supporting documents. Please post the topic of your presentation on my facebook page. This link may be a video clip, an article, or a web page. The link should correspond in some way to your topic, and allow your audience to contextualize what you are going to talk about in class. Final exam (/20): I will choose one of the topics from your vocabulary lessons, or another topic that we have covered in class. You will be assigned a five minute time slot on the last day of class, during which you will need to discuss the given topic.

Attendance /promptness. Continuous assessment means attending all classes. If you are absent, then you will have to bring me a doctor's certificate or some form of justification. Four absences automatically mean that you are dfaillant(e) DEF. You will have to sit for the exam in September (rattrapage). BE ON TIME.

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