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Sandwhich Keju Cheddar (Cheddar Cheese Sandwiches)

200 g keju cheddar / cheddar cheese 5 sdm minyak olive / table spoons olive oil 2 sdm tepung / table spoons flour 100 ml air / water 7-8 lembar roti / 7-8 slices of bread

Parut keju cheddar tpi jangan terlalu tipis. Trus tambah bahan-bahan yg lain trus di campur secara rata. Sebar campuran tadi di atas roti. Panggang di oven sampai berwarna keemasan. Sajikan secepatnya dan taburi garam, rosemary, dan oregano. Grate the cheddar cheese but not too thinly. Add the rest of the products and mix well. Spread the mixture on the bread slices. Bake in the oven until the sandwiches become golden. Serve immediately sprinkled with salt, red pepper, rosemary, oregano.

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