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Labor Day Flash Card

What is the difference between Labor Day and Memorial Day? Memorial Day is in remembrance 4 those who have died in war. Labor Day is dedicated to workers. Why is Labor Day a holiday? Labor Day is an American federal holiday observed on the first Monday in September that celebrates the economic and social contributions of workers Why is Labor Day important? Important to thank the American worker for all the hard work they do. Why is Labor Day always the first Monday of September?

Nicole Posada Kemberly Gonzalez 8/28/12 Per 5

What are some good songs for Labor Day? Solidarity Forever

Why is Labor Day called Labor Day? Celebrating work by not doing any it was an idea that seemed destined for greatness.

What is the mascot for Labor Day?

Why do we have the day off on Labor Day?

So that Labor Day Weekend is a three-day To celebrate all the hard working holiday weekend people. Who invented Labor Day? Introduced to the U.S by Peter J. McGuire To celebrate hard workers. Why does Labor Day have its own holiday?

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