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RB1801B31 | 10809529

Ques1:Assume a vector shift of an object P(12,15) in its first position and P(20, 10) in the translated position. Determine the translation vector V and the translation units Tx and Ty. Further, compute the point P such that the point P is rotated by 45 degrees clockwise w.r.t. the point P.
Answer1:We are Given the following things A vector shift P(12,15) of an object A vector shift P(20, 10) in the translated position Now, we have to determine translation vector: X=x+tx Y=y+ty ->tx=x-x ->ty=y-y Applying valuesvalues into the Tx and Ty tx=20-12=8 ty=15-10=5 MATRIX ANGLE is 45 because the point P is rotated by 45degrees clockwise w.r.t P The Transformation matrix is given by: |X cos45 sin45 0 20 | |Y -sin45 cos45 0 * 10 | |1 = 0 0 1 1 | Computing the values for X and Y- X=cos45*20+sin45*10=21 Y=-sin45*20+cos45*10=-7 1=1 Coordinates of P=(21,-7,1)

QUES2:Write a program of bresenhams line drawing algorithm. Also write down why bresenhams is better than DDA algorithm?
Answer2: Program for bresenhams line drawing algorithm: #include<iostream.h>

#include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> class lines { private: int length,x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y,dx,dy,wx,wy,w,width; public: lines(); //Constructor

void showline(); int sign(int); };

int lines::sign(int xx)


return -1;


return 0;


return 1;

return 0;

} lines::lines()



" Enter The Co-Ordinates (x1,y1) ":=";


cout<<" " Enter The Co-Ordinates (x2,y2) ":=";


cout<<" " Enter The Width Of The Line ":=";


} void lines::showline()

char *s;

int s1,s2,ic;

float temp;




















float d=2*dy-dx;


for(int i=1;i<=dx;i++)

for(int j=0;j<wy;j++)











if(ic==1) y+=s2; else x+=s1; d+=2*dy; }


outtextxy(20,10,"The Points Are:=");






} void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm,i,j,xx=200,xxx=470; clrscr(); lines a; char *mess[]={"B","R","E","S","E","N","H","A","M","'","S"," ","L","I","N","E"," ","A","L","G","O","R","I","T","H","M"}; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"..\bgi"); cleardevice(); rectangle(120,40,320,240); rectangle(320,40,520,240); rectangle(120,240,320,440); rectangle(320,240,520,440); for(i=0,j=25;i<14,j>=12;i++,j--)






} for(i=130;i<=510;i+=10)


putpixel(i,j,15); for(i=130;i<=510;i+=10)




} for(i=50;i<=430;i+=10)




} outtextxy(310,230,"O"); outtextxy(530,240,"X"); outtextxy(320,450,"-Y"); outtextxy(100,240,"-X");

outtextxy(320,30,"Y"); a.showline(); closegraph(); }

Bresenham Better Than DDA: DDA uses float numbers and uses operators such as division and multiplication in its calculation. Bresenhams algorithm uses ints and only uses addition and subtraction. Due to the use of only addition subtraction and bit shifting (multiplication and division use more resources and processor power) bresenhams algorithm is faster than DDA in producing the line. Im not sure, though if i remember right, they still produce the same line in the end. One note concerning efficiency: Fixed point DDA algorithms are generally superior to Bresenhams algorithm on modern computers. The reason is that Bresenhams algorithm uses a conditional branch in the loop, and this results in frequent branch mispredictions in the CPU. Fixed point DDA also has fewer instructions in the loop body (one bit shift, one increment and one addition to be exact. In addition to the loop instructions and the actual plotting). As CPU pipelines become deeper, mispredictions penalties will become more Severe.

QUES3: Can the composite transformations like Rotation w.r.t. fixed point, scaling w.r.t. fixed point etc. can be performed by way of matrices without using Homogeneous coordinates? Support your answer (in favour or against) with a example.
Answer3: No, I do not agree the composite transformations like Rotation w.r.t. fixed point, scaling w.r.t. fixed point etc. can be performed by way of matrices without using Homogeneous coordinates. Matrices represent the linear transformations.. non linear transformations on a ndimensional space Rn, are represented as linear transformations on a n+1dimensional real projective space RPn+1. 2 types of transformations are included in it and are: 1)Non-linear transformations And 2) Projective transformations. Eeach and every point is described by n Cartesian coordinates, point is described

by n+1 homogeneous coordinates. These n+1-dimensional transformation matrices are called non-linear transformation matrices. As they contain homogeneous coordinates and called sometimes, homogeneous transformation matrices. However we can say that, this terminology is misleading, because most of the transformations represented are definitely nonhomogeneous, and thats why it is made non linear. Here are some examples: To rotate about the z axis by angle t, multiply by: | cos t sin t 0 0 | | -sin t cos t 0 0 | | 0 0 1 0 | | 0 0 0 1 | To mirror about the x-axis, multiply by: | -1 0 0 0 | | 0 1 0 0 | | 0 0 1 0 | | 0 0 0 1 | To translate by 3 in x, 4 in y and 5 in z, multiply by: | 1 0 0 0 | | 0 1 0 0 | | 0 0 1 0 | | 3 4 5 1 |

QUES4:Explain mid-point ellipse drawing algorithm (derivation). Write a program for drawing ellipse by midpoint method.
Answer4: Midpoint ellipse algorithm is a method for drawing ellipses in computer graphics. This method is modified from Bresenhams algorithm. The advantage of this modified method is that only addition operations are required in the program loops. This leads to simple and fast implementation in all processors. Let us consider one quarter of an ellipse. The curve is divided into two regions. In region I, the slope on the curve is greater than 1 while in region II less than 1. Consider the general equation of an ellipse, b2x2 + a2y2 a2b2 = 0 Where a is the horizontal radius and b is the vertical radius, we can define an function f(x,y) by which the error due to a prediction coordinate (x,y) can be

obtained. The appropriate pixels can be selected according to the error so that the required ellipse is formed. The error can be confined within half a pixel.

Set f(x,y) = b2x2 + a2y2 a2b2 In region I (dy/dx > 1), x is always incremented in each step, i.e. xk+1 = xk + 1. yk+1 = yk if E is selected, or yk+1 = yk 1 if SE is selected. In order to make decision between S and SE, a prediction (xk+1, yk) is set at the middle between the two candidate pixels. A prediction function Pk can be defined as follows: Pk= f(xk+1, yk) = b2(xk+1)2 + a2(yk)2 a2b2 = b2(xk+1)2 + a2(yk)2 a2b2

b2(xk2 + 2xk + 1) + a2(yk2 yk + ) a2b2 If Pk < 0, select E : Pk+1E = f(xk+2, yk) = b2(xk+2)2 + a2(yk)2 a2b2 = b2(xk2 + 4xk + 4) + a2(yk2 yk + ) a2b2 Change of PkE is: PkE = Pk+1E Pk = b2(2xk + 3) If Pk > 0, select SE : Pk+1SE= f(xk+2, yk3/2) = b2(xk+2)2 + a2(yk3/2)2 a2b2 = b2(xk2 + 4xk + 4) + a2(yk2 3yk + 9/4) a2b2 Change of PkSE is PkSE = Pk+1SE Pk = b2(2xk + 3) 2a2(yk 1) Calculate the changes of Pk:

If E is selected, Pk+1E = b2(2xk + 5) 2PkE = Pk+1E PkE = 2b2 Pk+1SE = b2(2xk + 5) 2a2(yk 1) 2PkSE = Pk+1SE PkSE = 2b2

If SE is selected, Pk+1E = b2(2xk + 5) 2PkE = Pk+1E PkE = 2b2 Pk+1SE = b2(2xk + 5) 2a2(yk 2) 2PkSE = Pk+1SE PkSE = 2(a2 + b2)

Initial values: x0 = 0, y0 = b, P0 = b2 + a2(1 4b) P0E = 3b2, P0SE = 3b2 2a2(b 1)

In region II (dy/dx < 1), all calculations are similar to that in region I except that

y is decremented in each step. y is always decremented in each step, i.e. yk+1 = yk 1. xk+1 = xk if S is selected, or xk+1 = xk + 1 if SE is selected.

Pk= f(xk+, yk1) = b2(xk+)2 + a2(yk1)2 a2b2 = b2(xk2 + xk + ) + a2(yk2 2yk + 1) a2b2 If Pk > 0, select S : Pk+1S = f(xk+, yk2) = b2(xk+)2 + a2(yk2)2 a2b2 = b2(xk2 + xk + ) + a2(yk2 4yk + 4) a2b2 Change of PkS is: PkS = Pk+1S Pk = a2(3 2yk) If Pk < 0, select SE : Pk+1SE= f(xk+3/2, yk2) = b2(xk+3/2)2 + a2(yk2)2 a2b2 = b2(xk2 + 3xk + 9/4) + a2(yk2 4yk + 4) a2b2 Change of PkSE is PkSE = Pk+1SE Pk = 2b2(xk + 1) + a2(3 2yk) Calculate the changes of Pk: If S is selected, Pk+1S = a2(5 2yk) 2PkS = Pk+1S PkS = 2a2 Pk+1SE = 2b2(xk + 1) + a2(5 2yk) 2PkSE = Pk+1SE PkSE = 2a2 If SE is selected, Pk+1S = a2(5 2yk)

2PkS = Pk+1S PkS = 2a2 Pk+1SE = 2b2(2xk + 2) a2(5-yk)

Implementation of the algorithm:

The algorithm described above shows how to obtain the pixel coordinates in the first quarter only. The ellipse centre is assumed to be at the origin. In actual implementation, the pixel coordinates in other quarters can be simply obtained by use of the symmetric characteristics of an ellipse. For a pixel (x, y) in the first quarter, the corresponding pixels in other three quarters are (x, y), (x, y) and (x, y) respectively. If the centre is at (xC, yC), all calculated coordinate (x, y) should be adjusted by adding the offset (xC, yC). For easy implementation, a function PlotEllipse() is defined as follows: PlotEllipse (xC, yC, x, y) putpixel(xC+x, yC+y) putpixel(xC+x, yCy) putpixel(xCx, yC+y) putpixel(xCx, yCy) end PlotEllipse

The function to draw an ellipse is described in the following pseudo-codes: DrawEllipse (xC, yC, a, b) Declare integers x, y, P, PE, PS, PSE, 2PE, 2PS and 2PSE // Set initial values in region I Set x = 0 and y = b P = b2 + (a2(1 4b) 2)/4 // Intentionally 2 to round off the value PE = 3b2 2PE = 2b2 PSE = PE 2a2(b 1) 2PSE = 2PE + 2a2 // Plot the pixels in region I PlotEllipse(xC, yC, x, y) while PSE < 2a2 + 3b2 if P < 0 then

// Select E P = P + PE PE = PE + 2PE PSE = PSE + 2PE else // Select SE P = P + PSE PE = PE + 2PE PSE = PSE + 2PSE decrement y end if increment x PlotEllipse(xC, yC, x, y) end while // Set initial values in region II P = P (a2(4y 3) + b2(4x + 3) + 2) / 4 // Intentionally +2 to round off the value PS = a2(3 2y) PSE = 2b2 + 3a2 2PS = 2a2 // Plot the pixels in region II while y > 0 if P > 0 then // Select S P = P + PE PE = PE + 2PS PSE = PSE + 2PS else // Select SE

P = P + PSE PE = PE + 2PS PSE = PSE + 2PSE increment x end if decrement y PlotEllipse(xC, yC, x, y) end while end DrawEllipse

QUES5: Differentiate between mid-point circle and bresenhams circle?

Answer 5: Circles have the property of being highly symmetrical, which is handy when it comes to drawing them on a display screen. So, Bresenhams circle algorithm results in a much sharp circle, compared to midpoint circle algorithm. In mid point, decision parameter depends on the last decision parameter and the pixels next to them whereas in bresenham decision parameter only depends on previous decision parameter...

QUES6: Write a program to draw a clown by using line drawing, circle drawing, ellipse drawing?
Answer 6:
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<graphics.h> void main() { int gd = DETECT, gm; int dx, dy, p, end; float x1, x2, y1, y2, x, y; initgraph(&gd, &gm, "c:\tc\bgi");

printf("Enter Value of X1: "); scanf("%f", &x1); printf("Enter Value of Y1: "); scanf("%f", &y1); printf("Enter Value of X2: "); scanf("%f", &x2); printf("Enter Value of Y2: "); scanf("%f", &y2); dx = abs(x1 - x2); dy = abs(y1 - y2); p = 2 * dy - dx; int i,j,xx=190,xxx=480; myCircle a; char *mess[]={"B","R","E","S","E","N","H","A","M","'","S"," ","C","I","R","C","L","E"," ","A","L","G","O","R","I","T","H","M"}; cleardevice(); rectangle(120,40,320,240); rectangle(320,40,520,240); rectangle(120,240,320,440); rectangle(320,240,520,440); int x,y,r,d,x1,y1,minor,major,dtheta,ratio,a,b,x2,y2; public: myCircle(); void showCircle(); if(x1 > x2) { x = x2; y = y2; end = x1;

} else { x = x1; y = y1; end = x2; } putpixel(x, y, 10); while(x < end) { x = x + 1; if(p < 0) { p = p + 2 * dy; } else { y = y + 1; p = p + 2 * (dy - dx); } putpixel(x, y, 10); } getch(); closegraph(); } myCircle::myCircle() { x=0;y=0; cout<<""Enter The Co-Ordinates Of The Circle ":=";

cin>>x>>y; cout<<""Enter The Radius Of The Circle ":="; cin>>r; } void myCircle::showCircle() { char *s; x1=0;y1=r; d=3-2*r; while(x1<=y1) { putpixel((x+x1+320),(y+y1+240),5); putpixel((x-x1+320),(y+y1+240),5); putpixel((x+x1+320),(y-y1+240),5); putpixel((x-x1+320),(y-y1+240),5); putpixel((x+y1+320),(y+x1+240),5); putpixel((x-y1+320),(y+x1+240),5); putpixel((x+y1+320),(y-x1+240),5); putpixel((x-y1+320),(y-x1+240),5); if(d<0) d+=4*x1+6; else { d+=4*(x1-y1)+10; y1--; } x1++; } sprintf(s,"Center(%d,%d)",x,y);

printf(s,"Radius=%d",r); for(i=0,j=27;i<16,j>=14;i++,j { xx+=10; outtextxy(xx,10,mess[i]); xxx-=10; outtextxy(xxx,10,mess[j]); delay(100); } for(i=130;i<=510;i+=10)for(j=50;j<=430;j+=10) putpixel(i,j,15); for(i=130;i<=510;i+=10) { if(i==320) continue; outtextxy(i,237,"+"); } for(i=50;i<=430;i+=10) { if(i==240) continue; outtextxy(317,i,"-"); } a.showCircle(); myCircle::myCircle() { x=0; y=0; cout<<""Enter The Major & Minor Axis Of Ellipse ":=";

cin>>major>>minor; cout<<""Enter The Center Of The Ellipse ":="; cin>>x>>y; } void myCircle::showCircle() { char *s; int ax,ay; float ar; x1=1; ratio=major/minor; getaspectratio(&ax,&ay); ar=1; while(x1<=major) { y1=minor*sqrt((1-(x1*x1/major*major))); putpixel((x+x1*ar+320),(y+y1+240),5); putpixel((x+x1*ar+320),(y-y1+240),5); putpixel((x-x1*ar+320),(y-y1+240),5); putpixel((x-x1*ar+320),(y+y1+240),5); dtheta=1/sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1); x1++; } } } } void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); circle(300,200,150);

line(300,140,300,240); ellipse(250,160,90,270,15,20); ellipse(250,160,270,90,15,20); ellipse(350,160,90,270,15,20); ellipse(350,160,270,90,15,20); arc(300,240,180,360,30); getch(); closegraph(); }

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