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To find the matrices E1 and B after the operation (3) R2 ←− R2 − 2R1, we first need to define the
elementary matrix corresponding to this operation.

(1.1) Elementary Matrix E1:

E1 = I - 2 * e_ij

Where I is the identity matrix and e_ij is the elementary matrix with a 1 in the (i, j) position and 0s
elsewhere. In this case, we have i = 2, j = 1.

E1 =

[1 0 0]

[-2 1 0]

[0 0 1]

Now, we can perform E1 * A to obtain the matrix B:

B = E1 * A


[2 -1 1]

[1 3 -3 - 2k]

[1 4 k]

To find the value(s) for k ∈ [-1, 0] such that a33 = a23, we compare the corresponding entries in matrix A
and B:

For A:

a33 = k

For B:

a23 = -3 - 2k

Now, we equate them:

k = -3 - 2k

Solving for k:

3k = -3

k = -1

So, the value of k that satisfies a33 = a23 is k = -1.

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(1.2) To find the matrices E2 and C after the operation (3) R1 ←→ R3, we define the elementary matrix
corresponding to this operation.

Elementary Matrix E2:

E2 = I - e_13 - e_31

Where I is the identity matrix, e_13 has a 1 in the (1, 3) position, and e_31 has a 1 in the (3, 1) position.

E2 =

[0 0 1]

[0 1 0]

[1 0 0]

Now, we can perform E2 * A to obtain the matrix C:

C = E2 * A


[1 -3 k]

[3 1 -1]

[2 -1 1]

So, the matrices E2 and C are as follows:

E2 =

[0 0 1]

[0 1 0]

[1 0 0]


[1 -3 k]

[3 1 -1]

[2 -1 1]

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(2.1) To determine whether vectors ⃗u = <1, 3, -2> and ⃗v = <-5, 3, 2> are orthogonal, we can use the dot

The dot product of two vectors ⃗u and ⃗v is given by:

⃗u · ⃗v = u1 * v1 + u2 * v2 + u3 * v3

Let's calculate the dot product:

⃗u · ⃗v = (1 * -5) + (3 * 3) + (-2 * 2) = -5 + 9 - 4 = 0

Since the dot product is zero, the vectors ⃗u and ⃗v are orthogonal.

To determine whether they make an acute or obtuse angle, we can check the sign of the dot product. If the
dot product is positive, the angle is acute; if it's negative, the angle is obtuse. In this case, the dot product is
0 (which is neither positive nor negative), so the vectors are orthogonal, and we can't determine if the angle
is acute or obtuse.

(2.2) Let's calculate the dot product of vectors ⃗u = <1, -2, 4> and ⃗v = <5, 3, 7>:

⃗u · ⃗v = (1 * 5) + (-2 * 3) + (4 * 7) = 5 - 6 + 28 = 27

Since the dot product is positive (27 > 0), the vectors ⃗u and ⃗v form an acute angle.

(3.1) To determine the orthogonal projection of vector ⃗u = <-2, 1, -3> onto ⃗a = <-2, 1, 2>, we can use the
formula for the projection of ⃗u onto ⃗a:

proj⃗a ⃗u = (⃗u · ⃗a / ||⃗a||^2) * ⃗a

where ||⃗a|| is the magnitude of vector ⃗a, and ⃗u · ⃗a is the dot product of ⃗u and ⃗a.

First, let's calculate the dot product ⃗u · ⃗a:

⃗u · ⃗a = (-2 * -2) + (1 * 1) + (-3 * 2) = 4 + 1 - 6 = -1

Now, let's find the magnitude of vector ⃗a:

||⃗a|| = sqrt((-2)^2 + 1^2 + 2^2) = sqrt(4 + 1 + 4) = sqrt(9) = 3

Now, we can calculate the projection:

proj⃗a ⃗u = (-1 / (3^2)) * <-2, 1, 2> = (-1/9) * <-2, 1, 2> = <-2/9, 1/9, 2/9>

Finally, let's find the magnitude of the projection vector ||proj⃗a ⃗u||:

||proj⃗a ⃗u|| = sqrt((-2/9)^2 + (1/9)^2 + (2/9)^2) = sqrt(4/81 + 1/81 + 4/81) = sqrt(9/81) = sqrt(1/9) =

So, ||proj⃗a ⃗u|| = 1/3

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Let's start by simplifying the expressions step by step:

(4.1) We want to find an expression for (1/2) ||⃗u + ⃗v||^2 + (1/2) ||⃗u - ⃗v||^2 in terms of ||⃗u||^2 +

Step 1: Expand the squared norms.

||⃗u + ⃗v||^2 = (⃗u + ⃗v) · (⃗u + ⃗v) = ⃗u · ⃗u + 2(⃗u · ⃗v) + ⃗v · ⃗v = ||⃗u||^2 + 2(⃗u · ⃗v) + ||⃗v||^2

||⃗u - ⃗v||^2 = (⃗u - ⃗v) · (⃗u - ⃗v) = ⃗u · ⃗u - 2(⃗u · ⃗v) + ⃗v · ⃗v = ||⃗u||^2 - 2(⃗u · ⃗v) + ||⃗v||^2

Step 2: Substitute the expanded norms back into the expression.

(1/2) ||⃗u + ⃗v||^2 + (1/2) ||⃗u - ⃗v||^2 = (1/2)(||⃗u||^2 + 2(⃗u · ⃗v) + ||⃗v||^2) + (1/2)(||⃗u||^2 -
2(⃗u · ⃗v) + ||⃗v||^2)

Step 3: Simplify.

(1/2) ||⃗u + ⃗v||^2 + (1/2) ||⃗u - ⃗v||^2 = (1/2)||⃗u||^2 + (1/2)||⃗v||^2 + ⃗u · ⃗v

So, the expression for (1/2) ||⃗u + ⃗v||^2 + (1/2) ||⃗u - ⃗v||^2 in terms of ||⃗u||^2 + ||⃗v||^2 is
(1/2)||⃗u||^2 + (1/2)||⃗v||^2 + ⃗u · ⃗v.

(4.2) We want to find an expression for ||⃗u + ⃗v||^2 - ||⃗u - ⃗v||^2 in terms of ⃗u · ⃗v.

Using the expressions we derived earlier:

||⃗u + ⃗v||^2 - ||⃗u - ⃗v||^2 = (||⃗u||^2 + 2(⃗u · ⃗v) + ||⃗v||^2) - (||⃗u||^2 - 2(⃗u · ⃗v) + ||⃗v||^2)


||⃗u + ⃗v||^2 - ||⃗u - ⃗v||^2 = 2(⃗u · ⃗v) + 2(⃗u · ⃗v)

||⃗u + ⃗v||^2 - ||⃗u - ⃗v||^2 = 4(⃗u · ⃗v)

So, the expression for ||⃗u + ⃗v||^2 - ||⃗u - ⃗v||^2 in terms of ⃗u · ⃗v is 4(⃗u · ⃗v).

(4.3) If ⃗u and ⃗v are orthogonal to each other, then ⃗u · ⃗v = 0.

Using the result from (4.2):

||⃗u + ⃗v||^2 - ||⃗u - ⃗v||^2 = 4(⃗u · ⃗v) = 4(0) = 0

Therefore, when ⃗u and ⃗v are orthogonal to each other (⃗u · ⃗v = 0), the expression ||⃗u + ⃗v||^2 - ||⃗u -
⃗v||^2 evaluates to 0.

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(5.1) To evaluate the side lengths of triangle ∆ with vertices A = (-1, 0, 1), B = (0, -2, 3), and C = (-4, 4, 1),
we can use the distance formula.

The distance between two points (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2) is given by:

Distance = sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2 + (z2 - z1)^2)

Let's calculate the side lengths of the triangle:

Side AB:

Distance AB = sqrt((0 - (-1))^2 + (-2 - 0)^2 + (3 - 1)^2) = sqrt(1 + 4 + 4) = sqrt(9) = 3

Side BC:

Distance BC = sqrt((-4 - 0)^2 + (4 - (-2))^2 + (1 - 3)^2) = sqrt(16 + 36 + 4) = sqrt(56) = 2*sqrt(14)

Side CA:

Distance CA = sqrt((-4 - (-1))^2 + (4 - 0)^2 + (1 - 1)^2) = sqrt(9 + 16) = sqrt(25) = 5

So, the side lengths of the triangle are AB = 3, BC = 2*sqrt(14), and CA = 5.

(5.2) To determine whether triangle ∆ with vertices P = (3, 1, -1), Q = (2, 0, 3), and R = (1, 1, 1) is a right-
angle triangle, we need to check if any of its angles is a right angle (90 degrees).

Let's find the vectors representing the sides of the triangle:

⃗PQ = Q - P = (2 - 3, 0 - 1, 3 - (-1)) = (-1, -1, 4)

⃗PR = R - P = (1 - 3, 1 - 1, 1 - (-1)) = (-2, 0, 2)

Now, let's calculate the dot product of these two vectors:

⃗PQ · ⃗PR = (-1)*(-2) + (-1)*0 + 4*2 = 2 + 0 + 8 = 10

Since the dot product is not zero, the angle between the vectors ⃗PQ and ⃗PR is not 90 degrees. Therefore,
triangle ∆ is not a right-angle triangle.

(5.3) (a) To determine which two vectors form a right-angle triangle, we need to find the dot products of
each pair of vectors and check if any of them are zero (indicating an orthogonal relationship).

⃗u · ⃗v = (0*2) + (1*2) + (1*0) = 2

⃗u · ⃗w = (0*(-1)) + (1*1) + (1*0) = 1

⃗v · ⃗w = (2*(-1)) + (2*1) + (0*0) = 0

Since the dot product ⃗v · ⃗w is zero, vectors ⃗v and ⃗w form a right-angle triangle.

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(b) To find the angle between the vectors ⃗u and ⃗w, we can use the dot product formula:

cos(θ) = (⃗u · ⃗w) / (||⃗u|| * ||⃗w||)

where ||⃗u|| is the magnitude of ⃗u and ||⃗w|| is the magnitude of ⃗w.

||⃗u|| = sqrt(0^2 + 1^2 + 1^2) = sqrt(2)

||⃗w|| = sqrt((-1)^2 + 1^2 + 0^2) = sqrt(2)

Now, calculate the angle:

cos(θ) = (1) / (sqrt(2) * sqrt(2)) = 1 / 2

θ = arccos(1/2) ≈ 60 degrees

So, the angle between ⃗u and ⃗w is approximately 60 degrees.

(5.4) To find the vector ⃗n = <x, y, z> that is orthogonal to all three vectors ⃗u = <1, 1, -2>, ⃗v = <-1, 2, 0>,
and ⃗w = <-1, 0, 1>, we can take the cross product of any two of these vectors. The resulting vector will be
orthogonal to both of them.

Let's take the cross product of ⃗u and ⃗v:

⃗n = ⃗u × ⃗v = (i, j, k)

Where i, j, and k are the components of the cross product.

i = det([[1, 1], [2, 0]]) = 2

j = -det([[1, 1], [-1, 0]]) = -1

k = det([[1, 1], [-1, 2]]) = 3

So, ⃗n = <2, -1, 3>.

(5.5) To find a unit vector that is orthogonal to both ⃗u = <0, -1, -1> and ⃗v = <1, 0, -1>, we can take the
cross product of these two vectors and then normalize the result to obtain a unit vector.

⃗n = ⃗u × ⃗v = (i, j, k)

Where i, j, and k are the components of the cross product.

i = det([[-1, -1], [0, -1]]) = -1

j = -det([[0, -1], [1, -1]]) = -1

k = det([[0, -1], [1, 0]]) = 1

So, ⃗n = <-1, -1, 1>.

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Now, let's normalize ⃗n to obtain a unit vector:

||⃗n|| = sqrt((-1)^2 + (-1)^2 + 1^2) = sqrt(3)

Unit vector ⃗u_n = ⃗n / ||⃗n|| = <-1/sqrt(3), -1/sqrt(3), 1/sqrt(3)>.

(6.1) To find ⃗a · 3⃗b, we first need to find the dot product of ⃗a and ⃗b, and then multiply the result by 3.

⃗a = ||⃗a|| * (cosθ, sinθ) where θ is the angle counterclockwise from the positive x-axis.

Given ||⃗a|| = 3 and the angle is 135 degrees, we have:

⃗a = 3 * (cos(135°), sin(135°)) = 3 * (-sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2) = (-3sqrt(2)/2, 3sqrt(2)/2)

⃗b = ||⃗b|| * (cosφ, sinφ) where φ is the angle in the xy-plane (positive y-direction).

Given ||⃗b|| = 1/3 and the angle is 90 degrees (positive y-direction), we have:

⃗b = (0, 1/3)

Now, calculate the dot product ⃗a · ⃗b:

⃗a · ⃗b = (-3sqrt(2)/2 * 0) + (3sqrt(2)/2 * 1/3) = 3sqrt(2)/6 = sqrt(2)/2

Finally, multiply the result by 3:

⃗a · 3⃗b = (sqrt(2)/2) * 3 = 3sqrt(2)/2

So, ⃗a · 3⃗b = 3sqrt(2)/2.

(6.2) To calculate the distance between the point (-1, √3) and the line 2x - 2y - 5 = 0, we use the formula for
the distance between a point (x0, y0) and a line Ax + By + C = 0:

Distance = |Ax0 + By0 + C| / sqrt(A^2 + B^2)

In this case, the line is 2x - 2y - 5 = 0, so A = 2, B = -2, and C = -5. The point is (x0, y0) = (-1, √3).

Now, plug the values into the formula:

Distance = |2(-1) - 2(√3) - 5| / sqrt(2^2 + (-2)^2)

Distance = |-2 - 2√3 - 5| / sqrt(4 + 4)

Distance = |-7 - 2√3| / sqrt(8)

Distance = (7 + 2√3) / sqrt(8)

To rationalize the denominator, multiply both the numerator and denominator by √8:

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Distance = (7 + 2√3) / (sqrt(8) * √8)

Distance = (7 + 2√3) / (8)

So, the distance between the point (-1, √3) and the line 2x - 2y - 5 = 0 is (7 + 2√3) / 8.

(7.1) To compute ⃗u × (⃗v × ⃗w) and (⃗u × ⃗w) × ⃗v, we can use the properties of the cross product.

⃗v × ⃗w = <-1, 2, -1> × <1, 3, 5>

= (2*(-1) - (-1)*3)i - ((-1)*1 - 5*(-1))j + (-1*3 - 2*1)k

= -5i - 6j - 5k

Now, calculate ⃗u × (⃗v × ⃗w):

⃗u × (⃗v × ⃗w) = <-2, 1, -1> × (-5i - 6j - 5k)

= (1*(-5) - (-1)*(-6))i - ((-2)*(-5) - (-1)*(-5))j + (1*(-6) - (-2)*(-5))k

= (-5 + 6)i - (-10 - 5)j + (-6 + 10)k

= i + 15j + 4k

Next, calculate ⃗u × ⃗w:

⃗u × ⃗w = <-2, 1, -1> × <1, 3, 5>

= (1*0 - (-1)*5)i - ((-2)*0 - (-1)*1)j + (1*3 - (-2)*1)k

= -5i - j + 5k

Finally, calculate (⃗u × ⃗w) × ⃗v:

(⃗u × ⃗w) × ⃗v = (-5i - j + 5k) × <-3, 2, -1>

= (-(5*(-3)) - 5*(-1))i - ((-5)*(-3) - (-1)*(-1))j + (-(5*2) - (-1)*(-3))k

= (-15 + 5)i - (-15 + 1)j + (-10 + 3)k

= -10i + 14j - 7k

So, ⃗u × (⃗v × ⃗w) = i + 15j + 4k and (⃗u × ⃗w) × ⃗v = -10i + 14j - 7k.

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(8.1) To find the point-normal form of the equation of the plane passing through point P = (1, 2, -3) with
normal vector ⃗n = <2, -1, 2>, we use the formula for the equation of a plane in point-normal form:

Ax + By + Cz = D

where A, B, and C are the components of the normal vector ⃗n, and D is determined using the coordinates
of point P.

Given ⃗n = <2, -1, 2>, we have A = 2, B = -1, and C = 2. Now, plug in the values of P into the equation:

2x - y + 2z = D

Now, use the coordinates of point P (1, 2, -3) to find D:

2(1) - 2 + 2(-3) = D

D = 2 - 2 - 6 = -6

So, the point-normal form of the equation of the plane is 2x - y + 2z = -6.

(8.2) Let's check whether the given planes are parallel or perpendicular by comparing their normal vectors.

(a) The normal vector of the first plane is ⃗n1 = <1, 1, 3> (coefficients of x, y, z).

The normal vector of the second plane is ⃗n2 = <1, 2, -1>.

For the planes to be parallel, their normal vectors must be parallel. This means that ⃗n1 and ⃗n2 are scalar
multiples of each other.

⃗n1 = k⃗n2

where k is a scalar.

Comparing the components, we have:


1 = 2k

3 = -k

The first and second equations give k = 1, but the third equation gives k = -3, which is a contradiction.
Therefore, the planes are not parallel.

To check if they are perpendicular, their normal vectors must have a dot product of zero.

⃗n1 · ⃗n2 = (1 * 1) + (1 * 2) + (3 * -1) = 1 + 2 - 3 = 0

Since the dot product is zero, the planes are perpendicular.

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(b) The normal vector of the first plane is ⃗n1 = <3, -2, 1>.

The normal vector of the second plane is ⃗n2 = <4, 2, -4>.

For the planes to be parallel, their normal vectors must be parallel, i.e., ⃗n1 = k⃗n2.

Comparing the components, we have:

3 = 4k

-2 = 2k

1 = -4k

None of these equations are consistent, so the planes are not parallel.

To check if they are perpendicular, their normal vectors must have a dot product of zero.

⃗n1 · ⃗n2 = (3 * 4) + (-2 * 2) + (1 * -4) = 12 - 4 - 4 = 4

Since the dot product is not zero, the planes are not perpendicular.

(c) The normal vector of the first plane is ⃗n1 = <3, 1, 1>.

The normal vector of the second plane is ⃗n2 = <-1, 2, 1>.

For the planes to be parallel, their normal vectors must be parallel, i.e., ⃗n1 = k⃗n2.

Comparing the components, we have:

3 = -k

1 = 2k


The first equation gives k = -3, but the second and third equations give k = 1, which is a contradiction.
Therefore, the planes are not parallel.

To check if they are perpendicular, their normal vectors must have a dot product of zero.

⃗n1 · ⃗n2 = (3 * -1) + (1 * 2) + (1 * 1) = -3 + 2 + 1 = 0

Since the dot product is zero, the planes are perpendicular.

(d) The normal vector of the first plane is ⃗n1 = <1, -3, 1>.

The normal vector of the second plane is ⃗n2 = <3, -4, 1>.

For the planes to be parallel, their normal vectors must be parallel, i.e., ⃗n1 = k⃗n2.

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Comparing the components, we have:

1 = 3k

-3 = -4k


The first equation gives k = 1/3, and all the other equations are consistent with this value. Therefore, the
planes are parallel.

To check if they are perpendicular, their normal vectors must have a dot product of zero.

⃗n1 · ⃗n2 = (1 * 3) + (-3 * -4) + (1 * 1) = 3 + 12 + 1 = 16

Since the dot product is not zero, the planes are not perpendicular.

(9.1) To determine whether the given line and the given plane are parallel, we need to check if the direction
vector of the line is parallel to the normal vector of the plane.

(a) The line is given as:


y = -1 - t

z = -2t

The direction vector of the line is ⃗d = <1, -1, -2>.

The plane is given as:

x + 2y + 3z - 9 = 0

The normal vector of the plane is ⃗n = <1, 2, 3>.

For the line and plane to be parallel, ⃗d and ⃗n must be parallel, i.e., ⃗d = k⃗n.

Comparing the components, we have:


-1 = 2k

-2 = 3k

The first equation gives k = 1, and all the other equations are consistent with this value. Therefore, the line
and the plane are parallel.

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(b) The line is given as:

⃗r = <0, 1, 2> + t<3, 2, -1>

The direction vector of the line is ⃗d = <3, 2, -1>.

The plane is given as:

4x - y + 2z + 1 = 0

The normal vector of the plane is ⃗n = <4, -1, 2>.

For the line and plane to be parallel, ⃗d and

(10.1) To find the parametric equations of the line that passes through point P = (2, 0, -1) and is parallel to
the vector ⃗n = <2, 1, 3>, we can use the point-direction form of the equation of a line:

⃗r = ⃗a + t⃗d

where ⃗r is a position vector of a point on the line, ⃗a is the position vector of point P, ⃗d is the direction
vector of the line, and t is a parameter.

Given ⃗a = <2, 0, -1> and ⃗d = <2, 1, 3>, the parametric equations are:

x = 2 + 2t


z = -1 + 3t

(10.2) To find the parametric equations of the line that passes through points A = (1, 2, -3) and B = (7, 2, -4),
we can use the point-direction form as well.

Let ⃗a = <1, 2, -3> be the position vector of point A, and let ⃗d = <7, 2, -4> - ⃗a = <6, 0, 1> be the direction
vector from A to B.

The parametric equations are:

x = 1 + 6t

y = 2 + 0t = 2

z = -3 + t

(10.3) To find the parametric equations for the line of intersection of the planes −5x + y − 2z = 3 and 2x −
3y + 5z = −7, we need to find the direction vector ⃗d of the line, which is orthogonal (perpendicular) to the
normal vectors of both planes.

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The normal vector of the first plane is ⃗n1 = <-5, 1, -2>, and the normal vector of the second plane is ⃗n2 =
<2, -3, 5>.

⃗d = ⃗n1 × ⃗n2 (cross product of the normal vectors)

⃗d = <-5, 1, -2> × <2, -3, 5>

= (1*(-2) - (-2)*(-3))i - ((-5)*(-2) - (-2)*2)j + ((-5)*(-3) - 1*2)k

= (2 - 6)i - (-10 - 4)j - (-15 - 2)k

= -4i + 14j - 17k

Now, we have the direction vector ⃗d = <-4, 14, -17> of the line. To find the parametric equations, we also
need a point on the line. We can use the intersection point of the two planes.

To find the intersection point, set the equations of the planes equal to each other:

-5x + y - 2z = 3

2x - 3y + 5z = -7

Solve this system of equations to find the values of x, y, and z:

From the first equation, y = 2z + 3x - 3.

Substitute this expression for y into the second equation:

2x - 3(2z + 3x - 3) + 5z = -7

Simplify and solve for x:

2x - 6z - 9x + 9 + 5z = -7

-7x - z = -16

x = (-16 + z) / -7

Now, substitute the value of x into the first equation to find y:

-5(-16 + z) / -7 + y - 2z = 3

(80 - 5z) / 7 + y - 2z = 3

y - (10z/7) = (21 - 80) / 7

y - (10z/7) = -59 / 7

y = -59/7 + (10z/7)

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Now, we have expressions for x, y, and z in terms of the parameter z. The parametric equations of the line

x = (-16 + z) / -7

y = -59/7 + (10z/7)


(11.1) To find the line of intersection between the lines:

⃗r1 = <3, -1, 2> + t<1, 1, -1>

⃗r2 = <-8, 2, 0> + s<-3, 2, -7>

we need to find the values of t and s that make the two lines intersect. This occurs when the position
vectors ⃗r1 and ⃗r2 point to the same point in space.

Set the x, y, and z components of ⃗r1 and ⃗r2 equal to each other:

3 + t = -8 - 3s

-1 + t = 2 + 2s

2 - t = 0 - 7s

Solve this system of equations for t and s:

From the second equation, t = 3s + 3.

Substitute this expression for t into the first and third equations:

3 + 3s + 3 = -8 - 3s

6s = -14

s = -14 / 6

s = -7/3

Now, substitute the value of s into the expression for t:

t = 3(-7/3) + 3

t = -7 + 3

t = -4

So, the values of t and s that make the lines intersect are t = -4 and s = -7/3.

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Now, find the point of intersection by plugging these values into either ⃗r1 or ⃗r2:

⃗r1(t) = <3, -1, 2> + (-4)<1, 1, -1>

⃗r1(t) = <3, -1, 2> + <-4, -4, 4>

⃗r1(t) = <-1, -5, 6>

So, the point of intersection is (-1, -5, 6).

(11.2) To check if the lines intersect, we need to find values of t and s that make the x, y, and z components
of the two lines equal to each other.

For the first line: x + 1 = 3t, y = 1, z + 5 = 2t

For the second line: x + 2 = s, y - 3 = -5s, z + 4 = -2s

Set the x components equal to each other:

3t + 1 = s + 2

Set the y components equal to each other:

1 = -3 - 5s

Set the z components equal to each other:

2t + 5 =

-2s + 4

Now, solve this system of equations for t and s:

From the second equation, 1 = -3 - 5s, we get s = (-3 - 1) / -5 = 4/5.

Substitute the value of s into the first equation, 3t + 1 = s + 2:

3t + 1 = 4/5 + 2

3t + 1 = 14/5

3t = 14/5 - 1 = 9/5

t = (9/5) / 3 = 3/5

Now, we have t = 3/5 and s = 4/5.

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Plug these values into the third equation, 2t + 5 = -2s + 4:

2(3/5) + 5 = -2(4/5) + 4

6/5 + 5 = -8/5 + 4

6/5 + 25/5 = -8/5 + 20/5

31/5 = 12/5

Since the equation is not true, there is no intersection between the lines.

(11.3) To find the intersection between the planes x - 2y + z = 3 and -x + 3y - 2z = 1, we need to solve the
system of equations:

x - 2y + z = 3

-x + 3y - 2z = 1

Add the two equations to eliminate x:

(1) + (-1) = 3 + 1

-x + x + 3y - 2y - 2z + z = 4


Now, we have one equation with two variables (y and z). To find a specific solution, we need another

Now, let's add the two equations to eliminate z:

x - 2y + z = 3

-(-x + 3y - 2z) = -(-1)

x - 3y + 2z = -1

Add the two equations:

(1) + (2) = 3 + (-1)

x + x - 2y - 3y + z + 2z = 2

2x - 5y + 3z = 2

Now, we have a system of two equations with three variables (x, y, and z):


2x - 5y + 3z = 2

This system is consistent but underdetermined (more variables than equations). It represents a line of
solutions in 3D space.

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To find the parametric equations for this line, we can express two variables in terms of a parameter. Let's
express y and z in terms of a parameter t:

y = 4 + t (from the first equation)

z = -t (from the first equation)

Now, substitute these expressions into the second equation:

2x - 5(4 + t) + 3(-t) = 2

2x - 20 - 5t - 3t = 2

2x - 8t = 22

x = (22 + 8t) / 2

x = 11 + 4t

So, the parametric equations for the line of intersection are:

x = 11 + 4t


z = -t

where t is a parameter. This represents a line in 3D space, and any point on this line will satisfy the
equations of both planes.

(12.1) To show that the line L, given by ⃗r = <3, -1, 2> + t<1, 1, -1>, lies on the plane -2x + 3y - 4z + 1 = 0,
we need to show that any point on the line satisfies the equation of the plane.

Let ⃗r = <x, y, z> be a general point on the line L. Then ⃗r can be expressed as:

⃗r = <3, -1, 2> + t<1, 1, -1> = <3 + t, -1 + t, 2 - t>

Now, substitute these x, y, and z values into the equation of the plane:

-2x + 3y - 4z + 1 = 0

-2(3 + t) + 3(-1 + t) - 4(2 - t) + 1 = 0

-6 - 2t - 3 + 3t - 8 + 4t + 1 = 0

-2t = 16

t = -8

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Now, substitute the value of t back into the parametric equations for ⃗r:

x = 3 + t = 3 - 8 = -5

y = -1 + t = -1 - 8 = -9

z = 2 - t = 2 + 8 = 10

So, the point on the line L with t = -8 is ⃗r = <-5, -9, 10>.

Substitute these values into the equation of the plane:

-2(-5) + 3(-9) - 4(10) + 1 = 10 - 27 - 40 + 1 = 0

The equation holds true, which means the line L lies on the plane -2x + 3y - 4z + 1 = 0.

(12.2) To find an equation for the plane through point P = (3, -2, 4) that is perpendicular to the line ⃗r = <-8,
2, 0> + t<-3, 2, -7>, we can use the point-normal form of the equation of a plane.

Let ⃗n be the normal vector of the plane. Since the plane is perpendicular to the line, the direction vector of
the line is parallel to the plane's normal vector.

The direction vector of the line is ⃗d = <-3, 2, -7>, which can be taken as the normal vector of the plane.

Now, the equation of the plane in point-normal form is:

⃗n · (⃗r - ⃗a) = 0

where ⃗a is the position vector of point P.

Substitute the values:

<-3, 2, -7> · (<x, y, z> - <3, -2, 4>) = 0

<-3, 2, -7> · <x - 3, y + 2, z - 4> = 0

-3(x - 3) + 2(y + 2) - 7(z - 4) = 0

-3x + 9 + 2y + 4 - 7z + 28 = 0

-3x + 2y - 7z + 41 = 0

So, the equation of the plane is -3x + 2y - 7z + 41 = 0.

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(13.1) To find the vector form of the equation of the plane that passes through the point P0 = (1, -2, 3) and
has the normal vector ⃗n = <3, 1, -1>, we use the point-normal form of the equation of a plane.

The equation of the plane in point-normal form is:

⃗n · (⃗r - ⃗a) = 0

where ⃗a is the position vector of point P0.

Substitute the values:

<3, 1, -1> · (<x, y, z> - <1, -2, 3>) = 0

<3, 1, -1> · <x - 1, y + 2, z - 3> = 0

3(x - 1) + 1(y + 2) - 1(z - 3) = 0

3x - 3 + y + 2 - z + 3 = 0

3x + y - z + 2 = 0

So, the vector form of the equation of the plane is 3x + y - z + 2 = 0.

(13.2) To find an equation for the plane that contains the line x = -1 + 3t, y = 5 + 3t, z = 2 + t and is parallel
to the line of intersection of the planes x - 2(y - 1) + 3z = -1 and y - 2x - 1 = 0, we need to find the normal
vector of the plane we are looking for.

The line of intersection of the planes has a direction vector that is perpendicular to the normal vectors of
both planes. Therefore, the direction vector of the line of intersection is the cross product of the normal
vectors of the two given planes.

The normal vector of the first plane is ⃗n1 = <1, -2, 3>, and the normal vector of the second plane is ⃗n2 =
<-2, 1, 0>.

The direction vector of the line of intersection is ⃗d = ⃗n1 × ⃗n2 (cross product of the normal vectors).

⃗d = <1, -2, 3> × <-2, 1, 0>

= (1 * 1 - 3 * (-2))i - (1 * (-2) - 3 * 0)j + (1 * 1 - (-2) * 0)k

= 7i + 2j + 1k

Now, we have the direction vector ⃗d = <7, 2, 1> of the line of intersection.

Since the plane we are looking for is parallel to the line of intersection, its normal vector will also be ⃗d =
<7, 2, 1>.

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Now, we can use the point-normal form of the equation of a plane.

Let ⃗n = <7, 2, 1> be the normal vector of the plane, and let P = (1, -2, 3) be a point on the plane.

The equation of the plane in point-normal form is:

⃗n · (⃗r - ⃗a) = 0

where ⃗a is the position vector of point P.

Substitute the values:

<7, 2, 1> · (<x, y, z> - <1, -2, 3>) = 0

<7, 2, 1> · <x - 1, y + 2, z - 3> = 0

7(x - 1) + 2(y + 2) + 1(z - 3) = 0

7x - 7 + 2y + 4 + z - 3 = 0

7x + 2y + z - 6 = 0

So, the equation of the plane is 7x + 2y + z - 6 = 0.

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