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Oracle Warehouse Management Pick Release Overview

Select Delivery Lines to Release There is no required setup for this step after the organization and shipping parameters are set. There is required run time data entry No required setup or run time data entry required

This document is intended to describe all processes that happen between Pick Release and the user siging on to accept picking tasks in WMS. This document is only intended to provide an overview of the steps required. For a more detailed discussion of implementing and trouble shooting each step, please refer to the WMS User's Guide and the WMS implementation Guide.

Create Move Order Lines

Allocate Move Order Lines

This is a required step with required setup

Assign Pick Slip Number

This is a required step with required setup

Click each node on the process flow to the right to be taken to a list of setup steps required for that step to execute correctly

Cartonize the Allocations

Ths is an optional step. There is required setup if you wish to use it.

Assign Task Type

This is a required step with required setup

Merge Tasks

Ths is an optional step. There is required setup if you wish to use it.

Click Here for the WMS Pick Release Trouble Shooting Guide
Split Tasks Ths is an optional step. There is required setup if you wish to use it.

User Accepts Tasks

This is a required step with required setup

I pick released but I got no tasks available

Pick Selection Failed. Double Click Here to go to Release Rule Setup You selected auto pick confirm when pick releasing. Double click here to go to Release Rule setup Yes Items must be reservable to be picked in WMS. Change the organization item attribute and start over

Staged Ready for Release

Is the item reservable?


Go to Shipping Transactions form and get Delivery Line Status

What is the delivery line status?


Allocation Failed. Double Click Here to go to Allocation Setup

Released to Warehouse

Go to the Warehouse Control Board & query the task

Is ther a User Task Type assigned?


Task Type assignment failed. Double Click Here to go to Task Type Assignment Setup


Someone manually assigned the task to another user in the control board

Pending Queued What is the status of the task?

You aren't qualified to perform the task. Double Click here to go to Task Dispatch Setup


Somone else has been assigned the task. Either they have accepted it or they are workin on another task in the same pick grouping. Double Click here to go to Pick Methodology setup.

Return to Pick Release Setup

Pick Release Selection

What this Does
Select Delivery Lines (Delivery Details) to be released for picking to the warehouse The delivery line status will be "Ready for Release" when queried in the Shipping Transactions form. If the line is "Staged", release worked but you either set auto pick confirm to yes or the item was non reservable (see setup) Create a Release Rule with the Selection Criteria that would select the appropriate delivery line(s). (optional). Navigate (Desktop Warehouse Manager Responsibility) Setup->Warehouse Configuration->Rules->Pick Wave->Release Rules 1. Give the rule a name 2. Enter the selection criteria required to select the delivery lines 3. If you are using WMS to pick with tasks, set auto allocate to yes and auto pick confirm to No 4. Save 5. In Organization items form, make sure the item is transactable and reservable Release Pick Waves (aka Pick release) Navigate (Desktop Warehouse Manager Responsibility) Outbound->Release Pick Waves 1. If you set up a Release rule, enter the rule name in the release rule field else 1. Enter selection criteria that will select the delivery lines

How to Tell if this failed

How to Set this Up

View the Setup User Interfaces

Run-time Steps

View the Runtime User Interfaces

Bare Minimum setup (bypass Setup steps)

Proceed with Run time steps and enter selection criteria in the Pick release form. Release rules do not have to be set up.

If the Release Process was successful in selecting lines to be released, after the pick release request ends, the delivery lines will be in status "Released to Warehouse", or Backordered" Back to Process Flow

What this Does
Determines where material comes from (subinventory, locator, lot (optionally serial and LPN), selects staging subinventory locator. The output of this is a transaction suggestion which will become a task. The delivery line status will be "Backordered" when queried in the Shipping Transactions form 1. Set up the strategy search order for the organization for picking. Make sure source organization is on the search order. 2. Create a picking rule that will select material for allocation. Make sure it is not so restrictive that it will never find acceptable material. 3. Assign the rule to a strategy. 4. Assign the strategy to a business object on the delivery line. if this is the first picking strategy being created, assign it to the Source Organization on the delivery line. 4. Set up the strategy search order for the organization for put away. Make sure source organization is on the search order. 5. Create a put away rule that will select material for allocation. Make sure it is not so restrictive that it will never find acceptable material. 6. Assign the rule to a strategy. 7. Assign the strategy to a business object on the delivery line. If there is already a put away strategy assigned to the organization, make sure that the last rule in that strategy has minimal restrictions so that they system will let you "put away" an item to a staging lane. None. This process happens automatically at allocation. Navigate (Desktop Warehouse Manager responsibility) Setup->Warehouse Configuration->Warehouse Parameters Go to Warehouse tab In the field called picking enter "Default Picking Rule" In the field called put away enter "Default Put Away Rule" These are unrestrictive rules that will be used if no valid strategy assignment exists. This will make pick release allocate successfully even if no other rule setup is done. After patchset H this will be done automatically

How to Tell if this failed How to Set this Up

View the Create Pick Rule Page

Run-time Steps Bare Minimum setup (bypass Setup steps)

View the Bare Minimum Setup Page

If the Allocation Process was successful, after the pick release request ends, the delivery lines will be in status "Released to Warehouse" Back to Process Page

Pick Methodology Grouping (aka Pick Slip Grouping)

What this Does
Groups allocations (now tasks) according to pick methodology so that users are dispatched tasks in groups (by sales order, subinventory etc.). This grouping will override task/resource setups. So once someone is given a task in a given group, they will get all tasks in that group regardless of qualifications. Lines are always grouped, but they may not be grouped in the way you would expect or want. Create a Grouping Rule. Navigage in the Warehouse Manager desktop responsibility Setup->Warehouse configuration->Rules->Pick Wave->Pick Slip Grouping 1. Create a new rule. If you want to use a seeded pick methodology, enter the methodology and save. If you want to create your own, give it a name and select the criteria for grouping tasks. 2. You must have at least one grouping rule to setup shipping parameters and to pick release. Note: when you apply this rule at pick release, every allocated line that shares the selected criteria will be given to a single user for picking . (Optional) if you have created release rules, you can save the pick slip grouping rule on the release rule or you can save it on the Shipping parameters form as the default for the organization. If you have saved the pick slip grouping rule on the release rule or the shipping parameters, you will not have to enter it at pick release. Otherwise, you will have to enter the value when you Pick release

How to Tell if this failed How to Set this Up

View the Pick Methodology Setup Page

Run-time Steps

Bare Minimum setup (bypass Setup steps)

There is no getting around this setup step. You must have at least one pick slip grouping rule and it is a required field on the Shipping Parameters form.

If the Pick Slip Grouping was successful, each line in mtl_material_transactions_temp will have a pick_slip_number and each task that will be grouped together will have the same pick_slip_number value

Back to Process Flow

What this Does
Suggests packed configurations for material to be picked. If it is used, the user will see not only the task to pick material but the LPN and container item into which they need to pick. Is used in consolidation while picking for a "pick and pass" flow. When the user accepts a task, there will be no To LPN and Container item field at the bottom of the page. 1. Create cartonization categories for the items and the containers. These are categories in the seeded Container Items and Contained Items category sets. You will need one category in each set. The ordered items need to be assigned to the contained item category and the container items need to be assigned to the category in the Container Item set. 2. Assign dimensions and weights to the ordered item 3. Assign volume and weight capacity to the container items 4. In the organization parameters form, set the cartonization enabled parameter to enabled or at subinventory level 5. If cartonization is enabled at subinventory level, enable it in the subinventories from which picked material must be cartonized. 6. For best results, you should set up LPN labels to print at pick release so that users can scan the lpn in the pick by label page to be automatically given the tasks that need to be picked into the LPN.

How to Tell if this failed How to Set this Up

View Cartonization Setup Page

Run-time Steps

None. this will happen automatically if you set up cartonization correctly.

Bare Minimum setup (bypass Setup steps)

This is an optional feature. If you don't want cartonization, you don't need to use it. If you do want cartonization, you can also set up the container-item relationships in the Shipping Container Load relationships form. Cartonization would still have to be enabled at the organization or subinventory level but the data in the Shipping form would replace the category assignments step.

If the Cartonization was successful, the picker would see not only the task details but also the To LPN defaulted and the container item field filled out when they go to Accept Next Task

Back to Process Flow

Task Type Assignment

What this Does
Assigns task type to a task. This will determine who is capable of completing the task. Query the task in the control board. The user task type field will be blank if no task type was assigned. 1. Create a task type (bom standard operations) for each type of picking task that requires a different combination of people skills or equipment. Navigate in Warehouse Manager desktop responsibility Setup->Warehouse Configuration->Tasks->Standard Task Types Enter a code, enter a department. You must enter a task type (in this case Pick)! 2. Set up task type assignment rules to identify when each pick task is of that task type. Navigate Setup->Warehouse Configuration->Rules->Warehouse execution>Rules 3. Assign a default task type to the organization so that even if all rules fail to return a type some default task type is assigned to each picking task so that someone can do the work Navigate (from Warehouse manager desktop) Setup->Warehouse Configuration->Warehouses->Warehouse Parameters in the warehouse tab, fill in a value for default picking task type. None. this will happen automatically if you set up task type assignment rules correctly. If you only have one task type and all users in the warehouse are capable of performing that task, you only need to create one task type, assign it to a department and make that task the default picking task type for the organization on the Warehouse Parameters form.

How to Tell if this failed How to Set this Up

View Task Type Setup

Run-time Steps Bare Minimum setup (bypass Setup steps)

View Bare Minimum Setup Form

If the Task type assignment was successful, when you query the task in the control board, there will be a value in the user task type field.

Return to Process Flow

Task Merge
What this Does
Merges tasks with same source item, subinventory & locator created in one pick release run if bulk picking is enabled. Thi is not a required feature or setup. User will receive individual tasks, each for the delivery line qty instead of one task with the sum of the delivery line quantities. There are 2 ways to do this: at the pick slip grouping rule level or at the item level. To do this at the item level: 1. Go to the organization items form and check the bulk picked checkbox in the inventory tab for those items for which tasks can be merged. These items will be bulk picked regardless of the pick slip grouping rule used at pick release. To do this at the pick methodology level 1. Go to the pick slip grouping rule form, create a pick slip grouping rule that uses the Bulk Pick methodology. This will group orders into the same pick slip that have the same item/revision/subinventory/ locator.

How to Tell if this failed

How to Set this Up

View Bulk Picking Setup Page

Run-time Steps Bare Minimum setup (bypass Setup steps)

None. Tasks will automatically be merged if you have enabled bulk picking. You must go through the setup in order to bulk pick. Bulk picking is not required. You can pick without this feature.

If the Task Merge was successful, when you accept tasks you will see one task per item/subinventory/ locator combination. Return to Process Flow

Task Split
What this Does
Splits tasks that are too large to be completed by the smallest equipment capable of performing the task. This is an optional step. If equipment is not used, it does not have to be done. Query the task in the control board. If you see one task that is too large for the equipment, they did not split. 1. Create equipment items for the equipment you use. For each item, specify the weight and volume capacity on the item. 2. Create equipment resources for each group of equipment items that can fulfill a different task type (eg pallet jacks vs carts). In the resources form click the equipment button and enter the items created in step 1 that are of that equipment type. navigate in warehouse manager desktop responsibility setup->warehouse configuration->resources->resources 2. Assign the resources to the department used for warehouse picking. Navigate (from Warehouse manager desktop) Setup->Warehouse Configuration->Resources->Departments 3. Assign the resources to the task types that those resources can fulfill Navigate (from warehouse manager desktop) Setup->Warehouse configuration->Tasks->Standard Task types Query the task type, click the resources button and enter the equipment resource that can perform that task. None. Tasks will automatically be split if you have setup equipment with capacities to perform the tasks. You must go through the setup in order to split tasks. Task Splitting is not required. You can pick without this feature.

How to Tell if this failed How to Set this Up

View Task Splitting Setup Pages

Run-time Steps Bare Minimum setup (bypass Setup steps)

If the Task Split was successful, when you accept tasks you will see tasks divided into workable quantities.

Return to Process Flow

Task Dispatch
What this Does
Matches tasks to the assigned user or to the next appropriately trained user. Note that this is required even if you use pick by label or manual pick to get to the tasks. If in the Shipping Transactions form, the delivery line is released to warehouse but you get no tasks available, you were not dispatched the task. 1. Setup task types as described on the Task Type assignment page. 2. Setup employee skill sets. In general you will need one per task type unless you have other equipment requirements. In the on this page, click the employee button and enter the employees who have this skill set. Navigate in warehouse manager desktop Setup->Warehouse Configuration->Resources->Resources 3. Assign the resources to the department to which the tasks are assigned. navigate in warehouse manager desktop setup->warehouse configuration->resources->departments 4. Query each picking task, click the resources button and indicate the employee resource (human skill set) who can perform the task. Navigate (in warehouse manager desktop) setup-.warehouse configuration->tasks->standard task types

How to Tell if this failed How to Set this Up

View the Task Dispatch Setup Forms

Run-time Steps

None. Tasks will automatically be split if you have setup equipment with capacities to perform the tasks.

Bare Minimum setup (bypass Setup steps)

You must have at least one task type and one resource defined for picking to take place. You can go through the bare minimum setup for task types, then create a single resource (type human), assign all picker employees to that resource, assign the resource to the department and then assign the resource to the task type.

If the Task Dispatch was successful, when you click accept next task, or enter the task id for manual pick or the LPN for pick by label you will be taken to the task page.

Return to Process Flow

Pick Release Rule Setup: Order Tab

Give your rule a name. This will be the name that people use every time they wish to apply this rule in pick release so make the rule name easy for others to understand. These are the dates within which users will be able to use this rule. If you want to keep using it. Don't fill in the end date.

Special Note: If you check this box, only delivery lines for sales orders that already have reservations will be released. Go to the Shipping Tab

These fields will all be used to query the delivery lines that will be pick released. The delivery lines that do not meet these criteria will not be released when you apply this rule.

Pick Release Rule Setup: Shipping Tab

Ship Method, Priority, Ship From are all further query criteria which will determine which lines get released.

NOT QUERY CRITERIA! This determines which document set will be printed after the lines are allocated.

NOT QUERY CRITERIA! This field determines the rule used to sequence the lines for allocation in the event of short supply.

If this box is checked, only lines that have been assigned to deliveries will be released. NOT QUERY CRITERIA! This will determine if the system automatically creates deliveries for the lines that are released.

Go to Inventory Tab

Pick Release Rule Setup: Inventory Tab

More Query Criteria

NOT QUERY CRITERIA! This determines the staging subinventory and locator that will be assigned to the lines that are released. Note that this criteria specification will be validated using the put away rules. If the put away rules will not allow you to put material in this location, the delivery lines will backorder. NOT QUERY CRITERIA! Pick slip grouping rule is the pick methodology that will be applied to this batch. Auto allocate will imediately create tasks upon pick release. Set this to No if you want to simulate and test out rules. Otherwise, set it to yes for easiest processing. Auto pick confirm will automatically complete the tasks without any user confirmation. This will bypass tasks, LPNs and other WMS features. You can use this in a WMS organization but ONLY if you are picking from non LPN controlled subinventories or inventory inaccuracies will result

Go back to Pick Release Setup Flow

Run Time Pick Release

You don't have to fill in any data in this form if you have already created a release rule (see setup). Just indicate the rule you want to use and click concurrent or online.

Note that this looks exacly like the Setup form. If you don't build a rule at the outset, you will essentially build a new rule with every pick release.

Pick Release is a concurrent request. You can set up the request to run at regular intervals based on the release rule you created in the setup steps.

Return to Pick Release Selection Page

Create Pick Rule

There are no restrictions in this tab, the system will allocate any available material for the sales order. It is best to start with this kind of rule and build restrictions over time. Go to Strategy Creation Page

Create Pick Strategy

Now that a rule is created, we need to add these rules to a strategy in order that they will be called to create allocations for the orders. If customers have specific restrictions for which you are building a strategy, start with the more restrictive rules and finally, end with the least restrictive rule (like the one above).

Continue to Create a Strategy Search Order

Create Strategy Search Order for Picking

We now indicate the order in which the system should search for strategies when pick releasing. Start with the most specific cases (the entities that have the most stringent requirements like customers) and end with the most general (such as the organization). You will not be able to assign a strategy to an entity no tlisted here. Note: If your put away strategies are all very specific (eg put the item in the item location in the Forward Pick area), they will cause pick release to backorder. Make sure you have an unrestricted rule at the end of your put away strategies or create a new put away strategy with an empty rule and assign it to the transaction types Sales Order Pick and Internal Order Pick so that pick release will run uninterrupted.

Go to Strategy Assignments

Create Strategy Assignment for Picking

Here, you must assign the strategy to the business object that has those requirements. For the most generic assignment that can be used in all pick release runs, assign the strategy to your organization as shown here.

Return to Allocation Flow Page

Bare Minimum Setup for Allocation

Fill in these default rules and pick release will be able to allocate any available material and drop it in whatever location was specified at pick release (the staging subinventory and locator)

Return to Allocation Page

Bare Minimum Setup for Allocation

Either enter a pick methodology in the top field to use a system defined grouping rule or select your own group by criteria in the section below.

Return to Pick Methodology Page

Cartonization Setup

Create the Same category in each of these category sets. The category sets are pre-Seeded for you.

Continue to Cartonization Category Setup

Cartonization Setup

Assign the items to the appropriate categories in the contained item cateogry sets. Assign the corresponding container items to the categories in the container item category set.

Continue to Cartonization Item Setup

Cartonization Item Setup

All of these fields need to be filled in for the items to be cartonized and the container to be suggested.

These fields must also be filled out for the containers.

Return to Cartonization Page

Department Setup

Create a Department and assign all resources you have created for WMS purposes to this department by clicking the resources button Continue to Create Task Types

Create Task Types

Create the pick task types here. Be sure to fill in the Task Type field with the value "Pick" for sales order/ internal order picking tasks. In the Department Field, fill in the department you created in the last step. Continue to Create Task Type Assignment Rules

Create Task Type Assignment Rules

Create the rule that would allow the system to identify when a task is of each type. The system will go through each rule in order of their weight from highest to lowest until a rule is able to return a value

Return to Task Type Page

Minimum Setup for Task Type Assignment

Create one task type and put the task type in this fields. With no additional rules, all tasks will be stamped with this task type.

Return To Task Type Setup Page

Bulk Picking Setup

In order to bulk pick, set the bulk picked attribute on the item or create a pick slip grouping rule using the "Bulk Pick" Pick methodology

Return to Task Merging Page

Task Splitting Setup: Creating Equipment Item

Create an item to model your equipment. Give the equipment item a maximum load weight, volume, dimensions and weight. Be sure to check the equipment box. You may need to check the container item box as well in order to add the rest of the physical attributes. Continue to Associate this Item to an Equipment Resource

You will also need to make sure that the items to be picked have weights, volumes and dimensions

Equipment Resource Setup

Create an equipment resource for the item created in the previous step. Then click the Equipment button and enter your item created in the last step to tie the item to the resource.

Continue to the Equipment Task Setup Page

Equipment Task Association

Query the Task Type you've created where the tasks need to be split to fit the equipment. Click the Operation Resources button and enter the equipment resource you created in the last step. None of the other fields on this page matter to WMS execution

Return to Task Splitting Page

Employee Setup

In Order to pick, all users must be set up as employees in Oracle HR. Create an employee for each of your users. Users cannot share the same employee.

Continue to Associate the Employee to a skill Set

Employee Resource Setup

Create a resource to model a particular skill set that your employees have. Click the employees button and list the employees who have this skill set. In upcoming steps, this skill set will be linked to the task type these people can perform.

Continue to Associate this Resource to a Department

Department Resource Setup

Associate your employee resource to the Department you set up for picking when you set up Task Types

Continue to Resource Task Type Association

Resource - Task Type Association

Link the Task Type created previously to the employee resource you just created. Now any employee associated to that resource can perform this tasks of this task type Return to Task Dispatch Page

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