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- you only hear what you are ready to hear, you only receive what you are ready to
- you have an innate knowledge that you create your own reality: proof: when someone
tries to convince you otherwise, you feel immediate discord in your heart

- The stream of well-being is the basis of the universe. It flows to you and through you.
You have only to breathe, relax and allow it into your being.
- Why is it taking me so long to get what I want? It is not because you’re not intelligent
enough, not because you’re not worthy enough, not because fate is against you. not
because someone else has already won your prize. It is because you are holding
yourself in a vibration that does not match the vibration of your desire. That is the only
reason – ever! The only thing you need to do is gently and gradually release your
resistant thoughts which disallow what you want.
- Tension, anger, frustration = you are holding resistance
- Relief, relaxation, fulfillment, joy = you have released resistance

- Best attitude to get what you want: to stand on the brink of what is coming, feeling
eager, optimistic anticipation with no feeling of impatience, doubt or unworthiness
hindering the receiving of it.
- The better you feel, the more you are allowing your connection to Source Energy.
- The worse you feel, the less you are allowing your connection to Source Energy.

- The law of attraction: that which is like unto itself is drawn.

- What you give attention to = vibrations = asking = a point of attraction
- If you focus on not having, you will continue to not have
- The key to bringing something into your experience that you desire is to achieve
vibrational harmony with what you desire
- The easiest way for you to achieve vibrational harmony is to imagine having it, pretend
it is already in your experience, flow your thoughts to the enjoyment of the experience.
- If you feel good, you’re giving attention to your desire.
- If you feel bad, you’re giving attention to the absence of your desire.

- You draw to you whatever you predominantly think about. What you think about is like
planning a future event. When you are appreciating, you are planning. When you are
worrying, you are planning. (Worrying is using your imagination to create something
you don’t want.)
- When you offer a different vibration, something different will come.
- This is why relationships reflect your thoughts and you can’t have what you want while
being jealous.
- You are a vibrational being in a vibrational universe governed by vibrational laws.
- If you can desire it, the universe can produce it. All prayers are answered.
- There is no evil, there’s just the absence of good. There’s no sickness, there’s a
resisting of the natural well-being.

- If you feel blessed and demand good things for yourself, you are allowing.
- No matter your current life circumstance, you are in the perfect place to begin allowing
your connection to the Stream of Well-Being
- The journey to what you want is like a physical journey. You don’t announce your
inability to reach your destination, expect to instantaneously get there, or get so

anxious or depressed that halfway you turn back. You accept the distance and continue
to move in the direction of your destination.
- The entire universe is affected by your vibration and what you’re doing – who you are
right now and what you’re thinking is a powerful focus of energy, which is in this
moment creating your world.
- Stronger thoughts or beliefs (your level of allowing or resisting), more conviction or
passion, which you’ve thought for longer = stronger vibrational alignment, more
attraction, greater summoning power
- As you give more of your attention to a subject, your emotional reading of either
harmony or disharmony with who you really are becomes stronger
- Everything you give your attention to expands.
- When you see something you’d like to experience and focus on it, shouting yes to it,
you include it in your experience. When you see something you wouldn’t want to
experience and focus on it, shouting no to it, you also include it in your experience.
- Powerful beliefs are always played out in your experience. Powerful beliefs are
practiced attention to a thought or subject.

- Your emotions are about your relationship with your Source and whether you’re in
alignment with it. If you’re in alignment with who you really are and fully allow in the
Energy of your Source, you thrive. To the degree that you do not allow alignment with
who you really are and a connection to Source Energy, you do not thrive. The thoughts
you give your attention to can align you or misalign you. Your emotions tell you if you
are allowing a connection with your Inner Being to flow.
- When you think thoughts that align with you who really are, you feel harmony and joy.

- 3 Steps to whatever you want to be, do or have:

o (your work) 1. You ask.
o (not your work) 2. The answer is given.
o (your work) 3. The answer, which has been given, must be received or
(you have to let it in).
- You ask via words but more often via vibration. All things that you ask for, large and
small, are immediately understood and fully offered, without exception. The universe
honors and responds to each point of consciousness, immediately. When you ask, it is
given. Every time. Every prayer is answered. Every wish is granted.
- Step three, the Art of Allowing, is something many people overlook. Tips:
o Focus on what you want, not on the lack of it and not on what you don’t want.
o People often wait a long time after asking to begin allowing, unnecessarily.
o People often focus more on the contrasting situation which launched their desire
than on the pure desire itself.

- It is not possible for you to consistently feel bad about something and have it turn out
well for the way you feel will tell you if you are allowing your natural Well-Being or not.
- Well-Being is constantly making its way to you and if you have not learned thoughts
that slow it or restrict it, you are experiencing it in all areas of your life.

- Instead of giving your attention to whatever is in front of you, you can guide your
thoughts to thoughts that make you feel better.
- Once your focused attention has sufficiently activated a dominant vibration within you,
things – wanted or unwanted – will begin to make their way into your personal
experience. It is Law.
- Your life is a reflection of the predominance of your thoughts. There is no exception to

- Your mood/perspective/predominant emotion is your emotional set point and is
determined by your vibration which is determined by the thoughts you pay attention
- If you feel bad or empty, you have disallowed your full connection to Source. Replenish
your connection by choosing better-feeling thoughts.

- Once you expect something, it will come. The details of it may play out differently, but
the vibrational essence will always be an exact match.
- You can remember something as it actually occurred or imagining what you would
prefer – and either way it is equally powerful. You can observe things as they are, or
imagine them as you want them as you want them to be. You can anticipate what you
want or what you don’t want. In every case the thought produces a vibration which
equals your point of attraction, and circumstances and events line up to match the
- The tendency is to continue to offer the vibration in the way you have been practicing
it, even if you wish the vibration was different.
- When you desire something you don’t believe is possible, you’re not in alignment.
When you’re unhappy that you don’t have what you want, you’re not in alignment.
When you’re painfully aware of what you don’t want, you’re not in alignment with what
you do want.

- A law of the universe is that there is nothing you cannot be, do or have. (potentially)
- Like a chef in a kitchen, leave out ingredients that are not appropriate for your pie.
Some of the ingredients in this well stocked kitchen are harmonious with your creation,
and some are not. You don’t destroy or ban those ingredients because you know that
they will not end up in your pie unless you put them in it. Since you’re clear about
which ones enhance your creation, and which ones do not enhance it, you feel no
concern about the great variety of ingredients that exist.

- You will never cease to be. You will never ‘get there’, so enjoy the journey.
- There is no shortage, lack, or competition for resources. There is only the allowing or
the disallowing of that which you are asking for.
- Your greatest gift to give is your happiness. Your happiness does not depend on what
others do, but only upon your own vibrational balance. And the happiness of others
does not depend on what you do, but only on their own vibrational balance.
- Only when paying attention to the way you feel can you guide yourself toward your
goals. No-one else knows what is appropriate for you – but you do.

- There is no condition so severe that you cannot reverse it by choosing different

thoughts. However, choosing different thoughts requires focus and practice. If you
continue to focus/believe/think as you have, nothing in your experience will change.
- If there are things in your experience that you no longer wish to experience, your
beliefs must change. If there are things that are not in your experience that you want
to bring into your experience, your beliefs must change.

- Statistics are only about how other people have already flowed Energy. They are not
about and hard-and-fast now reality. Some people spend lifetimes labelling, comparing,
categorizing experiences, putting them in boxes, without realizing that these
vibrational offerings don’t serve anyone.
- The standard of success is not status or money, it’s the joy you feel because behind
every desire is the desire to feel good.
- Respecting, loving and appreciating yourself and others is the closest vibrational match
to Source Energy of anything we have ever witnessed anywhere in the universe.

- Your emotions let you know if you are allowing your connection to who you are or not. If
you allow this connection, you thrive. If you don’t allow it, you don’t thrive.

- Perfect creative situation: to strongly want something that you strongly believe is
possible. When you desire something you don’t expect, if won’t unfold easily.
- As long as you are talking about and feeling what’s ‘over here, it will not be possible for
you to get ‘over there’.
- You don’t have access to thoughts and feelings that are very far from where you have
recently been vibrating. Usually people gradually shift vibrations by choosing gradually
different subjects and better feeling thoughts. Trying to jump huge vibrational ranges
all at once can cause feelings of discouragement.

- Within 17 seconds of focusing on something, a matching vibration becomes activated.

If you stay purely focused on any thought for as little as 68 seconds, the vibration is
powerful enough that its manifestation begins.
- Choose thoughts that make you feel better.
- Love/joy is better than enthusiasm which is better than contentment which is better
than anger which is better than fear/grief, etc. Every place on the emotional scale
indicates degrees of allowance of the powerful, pure, positive Source Energy.
- Reach for the best feeling thought that you have access to right now, and as you do
that again and again, in a short period of time you will find yourself in a very good
feeling place.
- Reach for more emotional relief. Ex. Hopefulness gives you a feeling of relief from

- Use your imagination until your dream feels so familiar that its manifestation is the
next logical step. When your desire feels like the next logical step, it is on the verge of
- It makes no difference whether you are focusing on your past, present or future. You
are focusing Energy , which causes you to offer a vibration which is your point of
- To determine your current vibrational offering, notice what is happening in your
experience and notice how you feel, because these reflect it.
- You have no creative power within the lives of others.

- By being clear about what you want and no longer contradicting it with opposing
thoughts, you will not feel a need to offer so much action to compensate for
inappropriate thought. Thus you will accomplish more in less time.
- It is of great value to give your conscious attention to what you specifically want –
otherwise you may be swept up by the influence of other people’s thoughts, thoughts
that may or may not be important to you.
- The better you feel, the more you are allowing the wonderful things of life to flow to
- It is not your action that matters; it is your vibration. It is not what you are doing (ex.
dieting) that makes the difference; it is how you are feeling about what you are doing.

- Anytime you feel negative emotion, it means that you, in your human form, have
deviated from the wise opinion of your Source/the inner you.
- Your desire = what you focus on + the feeling/emotion you have when you focus on it
- Your beliefs = your expectations + the feeling/emotion you associate with them
- For your desire to manifest in your life experiences, there must be compatibility
between your desire and your beliefs.

- Don’t stand on your head to please others in a doomed attempt to soothe their
misalignment. It is better to allow those things that are not a match with what you
want to leave your experience.

- Are you creating deliberately or by default with your thoughts?

- Focus/Attention  Thought  Feeling  Belief  Expectation ]- Your vibration/point of
o The above  Manifestation
o Note “” means “produces”


- The key to success is releasing resistance. The more playful you are, the less resistance
you hold.

- 1 Go through your day noticing things that please you. Feel the
love/appreciation/gratitude/thankfulness and the joy in those things.

- 2 Creation Box: Get a physical or mental box and put inside images of things you want.
If you do this with no doubt that you can achieve these things the process will feel
invigorating and you’ll attract these things to you. This activity focuses your desire and
focusing your desire makes you feel more alive because it connects you to the energy
of what you want.

- 3 Creative Workshop: On four pages write my body, my home, my relationships, my

work. On your first page write this is what I desire regarding my body. Don’t work hard
on this list, write a short list of things that come easily into your mind that you desire
right now for your body. After you’re done, go to each statement and write why you
want that thing. Focusing on why softens resistance to the subject while adding clarity
and power to the thought while focusing on how, who, or when usually adds to
resistance especially if you don’t know the answers to those questions.

- We want you to relax and not be so hard on yourself when you find yourself in a place
of negative emotion. Negative emotion is a good thing in that it is letting you know that
some tweaking is required in order for you to be in harmony with who you are.

- 4 Virtual Reality: Pretend you are a director. Put yourself in a pleasant scene that you
want. Explore it and feel good.

- Bad feeling thoughts are a vibrational match for disease. Thoughts that make you feel
anger/frustration/blame/resentment/guilt/fear are not good for you and you can tell
they are not good for you because they feel bad when you think them. In the same way
that touching and feeling a hot stove hurts, feeling negative emotion hurts.

- There are no failures. You will always find a way to continue to evolve in your creative

- 5 Prosperity Game: In a notebook ‘deposit’ 1000 dollars the first day and write out
‘cheques’ to spend those dollars. On the second day, ‘deposit’ and ‘spend’ 2000
dollars. Keep going for as long as you like.

- 6 Meditation: Meditation is the clearing of the mind and all resistance. Sit in a
comfortable place for 10-15 minutes, close your eyes, relax and breathe. Focus on your

breath, a mantra, the dripping of a faucet, something simple, and gently release all
other thoughts as they come.

- 7 Evaluating Dreams: What you think about and your dream state are a vibrational
match. Before you go to sleep say It is my intention to rest well and to awaken
refreshed. And if there is anything important for me to recall from my dream state, I
will recall it when I awaken. When you wake up ask yourself if you remember anything
from your dream state. Focus on the emotions you felt during the dream. If your dream
was unpleasant, your dominant thoughts in the process of attracting something you
don’t want. Dreams help you soften your resistance to scenarios in the dream.

- 8 The Book of Positive Aspects: In a nice notebook, for 20 minutes, write the names of
someone or something that you always feel good about. As you write, try to answer the
questions: what do I like about you, why do I love you so much, and, what are your
positive aspects.

- Whatever reality you talk about, think about, remember, regurgitate, make statistics
about, or hold for a long time in your vibration, becomes your own reality. Be particular
about the realities you replicate in your experience because you can create reality and
you choose the reality that you create. You can and will create anything that you are
giving your attention to. Instead of beating the drum of things you don’t want because
they are reality, therefore making them more reality, selectively beat the drum of the
realities you want to replicate. If it helps you, give it your full attention; if it doesn’t,
don’t pay attention to it at all.

- 9 Scripting: Pretend that you are a writer with a magic notebook or computer and
whatever you write will happen exactly as you write it. Your only job is to describe, in
detail, everything exactly as you want it to be. Because of the whimsical approach of
this game, you are less likely to bring to your point of focus thoughts of doubt or
disbelief – you maintain focus in the absence of resistance. If you regurgitate your
script often enough, you begin to accept it as reality and when you are accepting it in
the way you accept reality – the universe believes it and responds in the same way.

- The universe gives you what you want, so be clear about what you want.

- 10: Take your overwhelming list of to-dos. On two sides of a piece of paper write Things
to Do Today: Me and Things to Do Today: Universe. On the first side write everything
that you absolutely, no matter what, intend to do today. Write everything else on the
second side. The items on the universe’s side will get done without your time, attention
or action.

- 11: Segment Intending: Before each segment of your day, if you declare in your head
what you intend and expect to happen you will be able to set the tone of the segment
more specifically than if you walk into the segment and begin to observe it as it already
is. Use segment intending when you are already feeling good.

o Before each segment of your day say: “This is what I want from this segment of
my life experience. I want it and I expect it.”

- 12 Wouldn’t it be nice: Gently, playfully ask yourself: Wouldn’t it be nice if <what you
want>? ex. Wouldn’t it be nice if I discovered this to be much easier than it’s ever
been before? Play this game and trust that everything else will come into alignment.

- 13: Which thought feels better: Write down how you feel. Write down an amplified
version of how you feel. Write down or reach for a better feeling thought.

- 14: Every object has a vibration, so your personal belongings have an effect on how
you feel and your vibration. Let go of what you no longer want – if your process is
cluttered with unwanted things it makes it harder to attract what you do want. Go into
cleaning with the pleasant feeling of relief that you would have after finishing
something satisfying.

- 15: You have to feel good about money before you can allow it into your experience.
Always carry around a $100 bill in your wallet and as you go through your day, notice
what you can purchase.

- 16 Pivoting: Every time you feel a negative emotion or a negative thought, tell yourself
what I want is to feel good and ask yourself what it is that you do want.

- 17 Focus Wheel: It is every bit as possible to feel as much joy in something like doing
your taxes as you would feel planning a wonderful vacation. Draw a wheel. At 12:00
position, write a good feeling statement that is believable. At 1:00, write another,
preferably better feeling statement. Keep going until you feel great.

- The words you use are not important. How you feel is what matters. Don’t just put a
happy face sticker on it, listen to your emotions because they leave valuable clues. The
law of attraction responds to your vibration, not your words.

- 18: Finding the feeling place of how it would feel if you had what you wanted: ex. If you
are anxious about unpaid bills and want more money, find the feeling place of how it
feels to have enough money, rather than finding the feeling-place of what it’s like not
to have enough money. Ex. Remember what it was like when you had enough money
and try to live with those feelings. Pretend you have a magic debit card with unlimited

- 19: Releasing resistance to becoming free of debt. Write down your financial obligations
and below write it is my desire to keep my promise regarding all of these financial
obligations, and in some cases I will do even twice as much as what is required. Pay
twice the required amount of your smallest bill. This will help you change the way you
look at your finances.

- 20: Delegate to the law of attraction with the attitude of expecting results.

- 21: Say positive affirmations if you feel unwell.

- If you believe something is good and you do it, it benefits you. If you believe something
is bad and you do it, it is detrimental.

- 22: Make your target the feeling you would have if you had whatever it is you want to
have. Say or write progressively better feeling thoughts until you reach your target

- (23) Prioritizing Intentions: If you prioritize (identify which intentions you want most to
fulfill) it focuses your attention and attracts power to the intention which is most
important to you.

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