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Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

By using DOPE as a masthead my magazine would be able to attract my audience as it is a Hip Hop term they will be familiar with and will know the magazine contains topics they are familiar with. I attracted my audience by placing an image on the front cover that would appeal to them. As the models used in my image are part of my target audience themselves and their image is dominating the front page, my target audience will be lead to believe that, my magazine will is aimed at them. I also choose cover lines that would further attract my audience to buying the magazine. The cover lines would address my target audience as I included the artists they stated they liked the most when they filled out my questionnaire. The colours I used would also attract my target audience as they are stereotypically male colours. The price would also attract my audience because from my questionnaire I noticed that the majority of respondents were willing to pay 1-2.

It was made clear to me through my focus group and my questionnaire my audience wanted more than one image on the contents page. Therefore my contents Page would attract my audience as it is very visual with different shot types like high and low angles. My features and regulars listed would address my audience as the artists and topics mentioned are of their genre and area of interests. The editors note would definitely address my audience as shown in my questionnaire it made the contents page feel more personnel. This meant that my audience felt it addressed them directly.

The image on my double page spread would attract my audience as the black and white makes it stand out more, which would get their attention. Also the article would attract my audience as it talks about new artist of their ethnicity being successful in their favourite genre of music, Hip Hop. In addition the contrast of colour (blue for questions and black for everything else) would also attract my audience as it looks more active. Through my questionnaire it was clear this is something my audience wanted. Also the language used would address my target audience as in Question 2 of the evaluation I said they were stereotypically chavs, and the language I used such as fam would address them as they use it themselves.

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