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Episcopalians of the Florence Deanery

The Sunday of the Passion Sunday, March 24, 4 p.m. Holy Eucharist I Palm Sunday The Rev. Dr. Colton Smith, Celebrant
Cross and Crown Lutheran Church 3123 West Palmetto Street, Florence **
** At Five Points, Florence - Proceed West on Palmetto Street (which turns into Hwy. 76 to Timmonsville) Cross & Crown Lutheran Church is located on the Right approximately 2.5 miles west of Florence (Call 843-439-0805 if further assistance needed) ----------------------------------

KUDOS TO CARVER CONTRIBUTORS - Thank you to all the people who brought bags of groceries (from the list repeated below) or donated cash to help keep children fed. Bless you! BACK PACK SUNDAY - Its Not Too Late! - Lets help Carver Elementary School, Florence, with back packs of nutritious food to be sent home with those children who would, otherwise, have none during weekends. You may donate any (OR ALL) of the following items needed: Apple Sauce, Fruit Cups, Juice Boxes, Boxed Raisins, Boxed Macaroni & Cheese, Oodles of Noodles, Cans of Chef Boyardee, Small cans of Beenie Weenies, Small cans of Vienna Sausages, Individual packs of Oatmeal, Individual packs of Grits, Boxes of Cereal, Granola Bars, Pop Tarts, Chips, Crackers or Pudding Cups. A collection box marked Carver Elementary School is available in the Cross & Crown narthex through Lent (Sunday, March 24, and Saturday, March 30, remain). OR, if you prefer, checks may be written to EFD for Carver Back Packs. Cash received or checks so designated will be channeled through Harvest Hope, for greater purchasing power, but will still go to Carver School.

Contributors, please note- Checks may now be made out directly to EFD or Episcopalians of the Florence Deanery. Donations remain eligible for tax deduction under 50l-C3.

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