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Duration:(2 Days)
Course contents for Day 1: ANSYS BladeModeler and ANSYS Turbogrid
AnS?S 8ladeModeler ls a speclallzed, easy-Lo-use Lool for Lhe rapld 3-u deslgn of roLaLlng machlnery
componenLs. ln Lhls half day course, Lralnlng wlll be provlded on AnS?S 8ladeCen and AnS?S 8lade
LdlLor. AnS?S 8ladeCen ls Lhe blade creaLlon and edlLlng Lool creaLed especlally for fasL, efflclenL, and
flexlble blade deslgn. uslng AnS?S 8ladeLdlLor, AnS?S 8ladeCen geomeLry can be broughL lnLo AnS?S
ueslgnModeler Lo allow for convenLlonal CAu manlpulaLlon.
AnS?S 1urboCrld ls a hlghly auLomaLed hexahedral mesh generaLor speclflcally for Lurbomachlnery
appllcaLlons. ln Lhls half day course, users wlll be gulded Lhrough Lhe mesh generaLlon process ln AnS?S
1hese Lralnlng courses wlll conslsL of lecLures and "hands-on" pracLlcal examples.
Course Topics Include:
ANSYS BladeModeler Overview
ANSYS BladeGen and ANSYS BladeEditor
ANSYS TurboGrid Overview
TurboGrid: Geometry and Topology
TurboGrid: Meshing and Analysis
Hands On Session
Course contents for Day 2: ANSYS CFX for Turbomachinery
The primary goal of this course is to cover the advanced topics on turbomachinery in ANSYS
CFX environment. All course material is designed to educate the advanced users on the best
practices for effectively calculating broad range of real-world turbomachinery problems from
start to finish. Users will have hands-on time to work through the entire simulation process.
Course Topics Include:
Introduction to ANSYS Turbomachinery Tools
Basic Equation for Rotating flow
Modeling Approaches for Turbomachinery
Post Processing Requirements in Turbomachinery Simulations
Best Practices & Error estimation
Hands On Session

Fee: Rs 7000 /- + Applicable Taxes

For more information / registration contact:
Phone: +91-20-66522545 ; Fax : +91-20-66522600

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