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Malraz's Dramatic Death

(Illusion/Phantasm) Level: 7th Range: 0 Components: V, S Area of Effect: Special Casting Time: 1 Duration: 3 rounds/level Saving Throw: None This spell creates a programmed illusion of the caster dying a horrible death, while the true caster is cloaked by improved invisibility, as the 4th-level wizard spell. The intent is to get the wizard's enemy off his trail, giving him time to either escape or launch a counterattack. A series of different demises are available to the caster, depending on the command word whispered. The words are: Air: The wizard appears to gasp for breath, dying of suffocation. Earth: The wizard appears to turn to stone. Fire: The wizard appears to burst into flames, screaming and dying horribly. Water: The wizard seems to flail about in a poo1 of liquid and drown. Blade: Wounds appear on the wizard, as if from a melee weapon. Bow: The wizard appears to be killed from a missile weapon, such as an arrow through the heart. Seizure: A shocked expression appears on the wizard's face, then he keels over. Shock: Sparks fly about as the wizard seems to be electrocuted. After the death scene ends, a convincing looking illusionary corpse is left behind for the duration of the spell. Viewers attempting to disbelieve must spend one round examining the scene to have a chance at success. The spell also can be cast upon a projected image (see the 6th level spell project image) to truly mystify opponents. The somatic component of the spell requires the caster to clutch at his chest while whispering the command word.

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