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[INT. SIXTH FORM BLOCK- MORNING. Office door opens, Rachel walks out of head office and immediately approached by Nathan] [NATHAN aka ZAIN] [Oh,Rachel I was expecting you. I'm Nathan, but you can call me Thaneil.] [RACHEL aka LUDMILLA] [Yeah, I just moved here from Kent. What kind of name is Thaniel?] [NATHAN aka ZAIN] [It's short for Nathaniel silly.] [RACHEL aka LUDMILLA] [Um, why don't you just call yourself Nathan?.] [NATHAN aka ZAIN] [BECAUSE I DONT'T HAVE TO PLAY BY YOUR RULES OKAY! GOSH. ] [RACHEL aka LUDMILLA] [Creep.] [NATHAN aka ZAIN] [What?} [RACHEL aka LUDMILLA] [My apologies.] [NATHAN aka ZAIN] [Apology accepted, now let me show you around.]

[INT. SIXTH FORM CORRIDOR. Pupils are arriving to school. Cliques are dispersed through out the school building. Popular guys/girls are in the common room. Nerds in the corner in the common room. Maxwell aka BRANDON *and friends* are in the corridor above the stairs.]: [NATHAN aka ZAIN] [Now, you see those people over there? That's Meagan Crawford and her posse.] [MEAGHAN aka TASHIKA] [I. AM. SO. PRETTY.] [BRITNEY aka ...................] [Oh my god, you totally are.] [You know what creep, you have the worst timing ever. We're kinda dealing with a situation right here, so can you know...leave. [FRIENDS] [All agree] [Now, beside her is her best friend, Britney's boyfriend and his crew] [WYATT aka MANUEL] [I. AM. SO. GOOD. AT FOOTBALL.] [Get the hell away from me] [FRIENDS] [ALL agree]

[Rachel and Nathan walk into study room, Maxwell is sitting beside window.]: [Oh, that's Toby. His an exchange student from Africa] [MAXWELL/TOBY aka BRANDON] [I'm from Cardiff] [NATHAN aka ZAIN] [And finally that is Leonard. He's cool.

[Bell rings. Rachel heads towards the girls toilet] [MEAGHAN aka TASHIKA] [I walked in on my Mum making out with her friend Claire.] [BRITNEY aka ................] [Your mum's gay?] [MEAGHAN aka TASHIKA] [O.M.G. Brit.] [BRITNEY aka .................] [Well, you were thinking it.] [MEAGHAN aka TASHIKA] [Yeah but you said it. Anyway, No! She's a lesb-utante! She keeps it strictly above the belt, but my Mom's buying me a new car to keep me from telling my Grandma. Little does she know I'm totes equal opportunity!]

[Rachel walks in]: [MEAGHAN aka TASHIKA] [Who the hell are you?] [RACHEL aka LUDMILLA] [Who the hell are you?] 4

[MEAGHAN aka TASHIKA] [I asked you first.] [RACHEL aka LUDMILLA] [I asked you second] [BRITNEY aka .................] [Ugh! Can we help you?] [RACHEL aka LUDMILLA] [Probably not] [BRITNEY aka .................] [What's that suppose to mean] [RACHEL aka LUDMILLA] [It means whatever you want it to mean] [MEAGHAN aka TASHIKA] [Actually, I don't give a damn who you are] [RACHEL aka LUDMILLA] [Really, 'coz it sure seems that you do] [MEAGHAN aka TASHIKA] [Well, I don't] [RACHEL aka LUDMILLA] [Well good] [MEAGHAN aka TASHIKA] [SUPER!] [RACHEL aka LUDMILLA] [GREAT!] [MEAGHAN aka TASHIKA and RACHEL aka LUDMILLA] [AWESOME!!!] [RACHEL aka LUDMILLA storms out of the toilet.]

The End

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