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Workshop 1. Word template for interim submission Week 4

Fill in the following template and save it as yourUserName.doc (e.g. Bishnu_Yadav.doc). CC1003 Coursework Web Site Proposal Student Name: Student No: Akash adhikari SITY1N212029

Title of Web Site

Purpose and Audience for site

What Pages will you need? Page Name index.html Home.html About.html Products.html Services.html Contact.htm This pages will deal with all the services that is been provided by the company This page will have the contact details with a form where user can input the contact data. This is the Homepage where there is a short description of the company and is linked with all page. This is the page where there is going to be a detailed description about the company. This page will contain the pictures of the products that company deal in. Description This is the first page where one need to click enter to go homepage.

Have at least 5 pages.

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