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Haleem Lightly brown two onions in cup oil add 2tble sp ginger garlic paste Boil 1 kg beef and

d make beef stock. Shred beef into small pieces add to onions fry Add 1 1/2 tbsp red chillies to the oinions Add 1 tbsp haldi Add 1 tbsp coriander 1 tbsp zeera powder 1 tbsp garam masala powder Add a little water and cook till masala are fried Chop 2 tomatoes into cubes add to beef masala fry till tomatoes are done Moong masoor dal 125 gms Dal chana Barley dalya 125 gms 125 gms

Boil the above and grind then add to the beef masala add water to taste Add 2tbsp salt Add beef stock Fill the pot with water and cook on medium heat till everthing is mixed well and cooked abt 1 hr Grind if desired Make tarka for haleem

Garnish for haleem\ Chopped ginger

Fried onions Green chilies

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