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1.25 yougrt + 7 tablesp besan 5-6 garlic, 1 ginger + 5 glass of water blend and cook on medium heat.

Cook for 1 hr. add 1-2 salt, 2 red chillies, 1 haldi, add to kari Pakoras 2 cup besan Kuti lal mirch 1 Salt 1 baking soda Green chillies 3-4 chopped Coriander cup Zeera 1 teasp Whole coriander seed 1 teas p Mix all of above with water. Make small pakoras . Tarka for kari Take oil in a fry pan,

Fish with gravy 500 gm boneless fish 2 onions chopped 3 talar mirch 4-5 garlic 1 teasp white zeera 1 teasp salt, juice of 2 lemon juice Boil all of the above and allow to cool then Blend the above and marinate the fish in it, allow to rest for 30 mins.

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