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The Nagi Gompa Nuns

Resonance and Radiance:
Sacred Music, Sacred Mind

Friday June 8, 2007

7:30 p.m. $15
At the request of Ch okyi Nyima Rinpoche, three exceptional female lamas from the Nagi Gompa nunnery in Nepal will be appearing at a limited number of venues in the United States. On Friday, the nuns will be performing sacred devotional songs and Ch od dances. The dances are designed to transform unhealthy mental states into states of courage and selfless love and allow each of us to realize realize our own intrinsic Buddha nature. This is a rare opportunity to see this kind of performance outside a monastery. On Saturday, the nuns will give teachings concerning these and other Vajrayana practices.

Saturday June 9, 2007

1:00 to 3:30 p.m. $20
Karuna Center 25 Main Street, Third Floor Northampton, Mass. Tickets available at the door.

For further information, contact

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