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Letter of Motivation. Medan 15 April 2012 Director Van Deventer-Maas Stichting. Edwin Kisman,M.Sc. Universitas Negri Medan.

My name is Ricki Ananda. I'm the second child of five. My sister is arranging the scription in the faculty of sport in UNIMED. and three of my younger sister are studying in Senior High School, Junior High School and Primary School and will graduate soon. And they will continue their study. My father is a farmer of banana, and sell it to traditional market. While my mother is a teacher sport in SD impres jln.selat tanjung medan kota tanjung balai. I'm proud of them. Especially my father. He ever said he will do everything for us. especially of our education. now, i'm studying in Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED) and I'm technical education or education in electrical engineering. one of my motivations to choose electrical engineering as my major, the first, because technology development. that is why I choose electrical engineering as my major, because in the future I want to make new breakthroughs in the world electrical engineering, and I want to make students from Senior high school (SMA) is no less competitive from the students of the other schools, especially from the Vocational School (SMK). My other motivation choose technical education or education in electrical engineering because I want to devote myself as a teacher who guides students or learners become sons and daughters of Indonesia which featured in national and international education. I expect VDMS (Van Deventer-Maas Stichting) can support me to create my motivation be reality, and can work together to promote education in Indonesia such as the ambition of Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat or Ki Hajar Dewantara as a pioneer of education.

Medan 15 April 2012

Ricki Ananda. NIM : 509131033

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