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My name is Stephanus Yosi Kristanta, people usually call me Yosi.

I live with my parents in

Yogyakarta, which is located at Dsn. Mriyan RT 62 Donotirto Kretek Bantul. After graduated
from SMA in 2021, I decided to continue my education into collage. The reason why I
wanted to continue my education into collage was hoping to get a specialization or expertise
in a certain field so that I would be better prepared in the world of work.

I chose two state university in Yogyakarta. They were UGM and UPNVYK, but actually I
really hoped to pass in UPNVYK because UPNVYK has a major in mining engineering. In
addition, the mining engineering department at UPNVYK is famous for its strong student
relations in the world of work. Yes, but I constant to another opinions who say that all
universities in Indonesia are good in their own ways. Collagers’ good or bad achivements
and behaviour depend to themselves, do they want to move forward or not.

Through SBMPTN, I chose the Departement of Mining Engineering and Metallurgical

Engineering, both have bright opportunities in the future. Thank God, I passed the test and I
could enter Metallurgical Engineering. I was very happy that I could be in this department
without any fraud. It was because all prayers and supports from my parents and also my

Flashback when I followed SBMPTN without following education tutorial due to the lack of
funds. Therefore I only learned at home from SBMPTN books that I borrowed from my
seniors. At the time, it was a big challenge for me because I also had to study that A-level
and Japanese, because at the time I also applied for the Monkubagakusho Scholarship. I had
to fight for my parents who always support me to achive my dreams. On the day of the
announcement SBMPTN, I decided to open it after I came home from praying at the tample
of Ganjuran. After arriving home, I immediately opened the SBMPTN announcement and I
was very surprised that I could pass. Oh my God, I couldn’t say anything, I only said thank
You to God and then I told my mother.

I have introduced myself personally above and also about my story to enter UPNVYK. Now
I want to introduce my family. I’m blessed to have a mother and father, Bernadheta Yatinah
and Bartolomeus Supriyanto. My mother is a housewife and my father is a farm worker
whose income is not fixed. I was the second child of two. I have one oldest sister. My father
is the backbone of our family. He always works tirelessly everyday to finance our school. My
sister had graduated from SMK and now she is working, so that she is able to help our
family to fulfill our daily needs.

With the situation af our economy, I tired to find a scholarship to ease my parent’s burden
and also to support and motivate me. Finally, I found VDMS Scholarship that provides
material for underprivileged student. In addition, VDMS also gives bonus to learn TOEFL
and create one activity “Leadership Conference”. Therefore I chose scholarship because
VDMS can provide moral and material support in the form.

In collage, I join “HMTME” organization and “DEM”. HMTME is an internal organization

of Metallurgical Engineering and I am part of PM (Community Cervice), while DEM is
student organization that accommodate interdiscliplinary students on internal campuses
who have links in the energy sector. Besides studying, I took part time as a shop keeper and
became a student ambassador for the platform. I did this because since the Covid-19,
my father has not been working until now, plus the condition of having a nervous
breakdown, it is no longer possible to work. As it is known that VDMS gives bonuses for
students and I hope I can be one of the lucky people who recive this scholarship. Therefore I
can ease my parent’s burden. Beside that, I can get a free TOEFL tutorial bonus. I hope
learning TOEFL can improve my English skills which are needed by the time I graduate
from the Metallurgical Engineering Departement. I also want to join leadership activities
which are made by VDMS, so that I can learn the leadership soul in an organization and
apply it to the organization I chose in campus.

If I recive VDMS Scholarship, I will give some what I have gotten such as material and
knowlage. I will give knowlage to people whom needed like pauper and child who less

I hope be able recived for scholarship towards fluency to join this collage and I can reach a
dream in my life to be success person. Because reach a dream need fight to make it happen.
If just ask for parents it’s impossible to occur. Such as statement “carve like a water carves
stone” Therefore I apply for this scholarship to be able make it happen my dream to be

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