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Wclrxr ll.D l)li,lit n! ttlt lhtil rtrrrr W COupt. fcrt. ltil't: l':hefi ,l lh, fl#il,l
Ddvld a)

Murch 3,2007

trl0ft,lr) W t orBll,

ll!!t,l, ntt$itt$l
Wayl)r txr:rliij

Mr. I)avid lrcld


r,:tsicteil & ';r|sltntu


C. l liolt;r, l{aih t:l

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tlooer A. Xilrdlp1, !sq. Licrani {hthil:l & CLI)

rnff IGt Fir8r[$t AlErirr I Aaffi[, l'Ir 0

Vr:a Praer,:lent

6405 l,akevicr.v Drivc Iralls Church, VA 22041 I)cur Mr, F'elcl:

Mrclie{l Mrr{ailtn twtuhvc V^x Pr*ensnl

i^ttn\tt Alhtts

l?.ltl*ri 1,1 frrkail S.nlot Vix. f'n:sidonr lrtl4nilinet ?rupr$ni * n,lJiitttt f,lndlu f; 111'q511,;ng


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Vicc Pt?sideltt iic Attitilgt i,t ntt t nn$

Johi W f:,ir[dy, lri.U l;PDlOr YiLu Pfrsddnl W;hlW: A Hahtlit l,tiiq:tr.",


h{(ri Pi'rur0ll

!;!x'iu. VEa /jttnpinl!ilt


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8(:n0dict',inst{dtinn llt
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t).1ridl {trj0,n,, lltr(l(xl

ilD/,iox, ),i&iliryrs

I'hank you for c(lntactinB Thc Huntane Soc.iel.y of llnited Statcs (IIStJs) rrgarclipg (,ur recollllren(lations and protoool for cgg addling a$ onc of a recorn,netld; s$rie$ of intcrrelald-stcps in thc humane rcsolution of conflicts with Clanaclil gcesc. (.)ur adv-icc 0n field pr()cedtlrcs in addling is derivcd liom cnnsirlerablc gxpc;icnce lnd rcflection on the lnally issucs surrounding this activity, as wcll ari a6vicc 6rr procedurcs l"rom vct$tinnry professionals. We bclieve oltr protocol takcs irrt6 considcl'utiotl thc best availabte and mo,$t humar)c rrpproaches t.o aclcllirrg, an aclivity rvc iln(l to hc fat morc htlnlane and rcsponsibla than its oll-udvocatcd alterlatiyc. rvhiiih is thc nrund up ancl slaughtcr t:f uclult andiuvenilc hinis.
We understand tlral this is a controvelsial issue and thirt it is upscltirrg to sornc pcople' Wc rcspect those fcelings. 'l'hs cun'ent controversy over "ovcrAbundant,' Clantrda gcese, howcvcr, antl thc Inany lbrccs calling for a rcduction of ,,re$idcnt,, goosc popttlations demand humste approaches. Wc fccl that population slabilir.irtipl through addling. ct)mbirtcd r,vith sitc aversion techniques lparticularly thc usc gl' truincd d06Js us advocaled try groups suclr irs Ccc.rcPeace) and cnlirroerncnt ol'nrr fccding policics, with the eventilal redesign of landscapes thlt act $s '.hot spotrr,' to altraut gecsc. ere hy firr thc nrost environmcnlally responsiblcr, effectivc, anil hurnnn appnr*chcs to re$olve conflicts rvith thcsc hirds, We apprcciate grently thc lbct that CccsuPeace has rccommendctl our prol(.)col for atldlittg to tlrc nrany cornmunilies that have sought yor-r qut, Wc will rirnain constantly vigilant to the adlent of hetter techniqncs and approaches tcchniqucs and look lirrward ro working witlr you in dcvcloping thcsc.

l{lci8rf, M. flDu51un, lh.O

Hlqfit" \$,tlu\t

[:mi tuurl, Plr.L:. llas{\,-4 fd\atiaila!

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:i tal Plotcdl$fr L tl1ahiil ttilrjy P(rry. ts!. iiltytti{turil Allens

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r.heliw Ptiilefi:)

Ll4lisrr $cilf Aut/ifl, t:rt.



Mtrliil l. l,,rt{r!itr, l,it.U Ablitti Rxtltch lssilss

llr(lfld W Ssrin,ir
litft gli it
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I I {jo Al0r(irjtc6t


l allcl3 Mxrdr Arnlr Fclor A tsan.lfir

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iinnrlcf Le3nllq, ti !'r,r',rr W Lqrcilr '!ryrllltn1 I Mi:{ r:i('

PillrGl i-. McD,lnrHtt Jrry l&ry lJly J. kltil


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M{nan L l'r[{ l(4 R/nr!Ly. [;o .Jfrlery 0 i(lir

Jsnrg Lr. rt(,ri:,, ti4. irililiy(t G. 9oy16r



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Maggie lSraslc<l Dircstor I Trhan Wildlil'c Crirrfl ict Rcsolulions

{ Willrrnt'rls8nt:l
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l( y,'in

i'ilill !i.

Itcs,donls tr)P/i,, lJ,ir.l3uUh Sluirl il:ili:,1r1 Fr:,J '.id: flt:iclni & !;dil, t:i ttit:;t:l 11 r: r{ i}l ; :alt !.r.,uLig rt: r.In
",r, rrr{l.ndhnft \i I n. t :)!,tt!N4. l{ e_ : -,r t l\ rti. liai1fr,

Pr0m0[n0 tte 0rolecllon 0t tll ilnimsls 210O L Stroet, NW,Washington, DC 200J2. 2O2-J52-l


Fax: 102.778-61 3p

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