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Programme du Cycle Terminal en Section Economique et Sociale Premires 2012-2013 / Terminales 2013-2014 en ANGLAIS.


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DOOR to NEW WORLDS Im an explorer. [ Ide de progrs] Thmes tudis : Talking and writing about fascinating adventures . Crossing borders taking a gap year. Space travel Tourism of the future. DOOR to MOBILITY Im an immigrant. [ Espaces et changes ] Thmes tudis : Talking and writing about immigration. Leaving home. Mixed reactions. Looking for a better life. Integration. Welcome to the land of opportunity. The American Dream. DOOR to CELEBRITY Im a fan. [ Mythes et hros ] Thmes tudis : Talking and writing about stars. Stardom. Fandom. The power of fame. Money-hungry stars. Famous activists. Marylin MONROE / Michael JACKSON. Hollywood versus Bollywood. + Mythe DRACULA by Bram STOKER Thtre en Anglais. Dbut danne 2013. DOOR to EMPIRES Im a dominant figure. [ Lieux et formes de pouvoirs] Thmes tudis : Talking and writing about empires. The British Empire. / The Commonwealth. Corporate empires. Media empires. DOOR to A BETTER LIFE Im a visionary . [ Ide de progrs ] Thmes tudis : Talking and writing about change and progress. Smart technology. Better medicine. Visions of the future.





[ Manuel utilis : MISSIONS 1res.]


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SEQUENCE 1 : (A) INDIA ON THE MOVE. Why is India said to be a country of contradictions ? [ Ide de progrs ] Thmes tudis : The 2 Indias. A country on the march. Changing India. Milestones in the history of India. ( Hinduism / Towards independence / GHANDI.) (B) DOOR TO GLOBAL CITIES : Mumbai=Bombay - Singapore - London What impact do global cities have on peoples everyday lives ? [ Espaces et changes ] Thmes tudis : Mumbai, a high tech city. +[ Lieux et formes de pouvoirs] Singapore, the lion city. London, an evolving city. Building global cities / Urban diversity. Prparation au WORLD FORUM LILLE. (Novembre ) SEQUENCE 2 : DOOR to CONSUMERISM. How can people change and better their consumption habits. [Ide de progrs / Consommation ] Thmes tudis : The Consumer Society. Shopping habits / Shopping addicts = Shopaholics. Alternative Buying / Responsible buying / Fair Trade. Prparation au WORLD FORUM LILLE. (Novembre) Prparation la SSI . Semaine de Solidarit Internationale lInstitut de GENECH . (Novembre). En lien avec le programme de section europenne Thme de la Mondialisation . SEQUENCE 3 : FICTION AND SCIENCE. Does fiction draw inspiration from science or is it the other way round ? [ Ide de progrs technologique et scientifique ] + [ Espaces et changes ] Thmes tudis : Scientific, medical, technological innovations and breakthroughs. Science or fiction : My body, my laboratory . I-robot/ I-cyborg. The Bionic Age. Brave new world Man versus Machine. From Fantasy to Reality. SEQUENCE 4 : (A) POWERS AND COUNTER-POWERS. Are counter-powers growing in influence ? [Lieux et formes de pouvoir] Thmes tudis : The 4th Power The media. The 5th Power The Internet / The Power of google / Empowered citizens. Facebook. (B) DOOR TO SUCCESSFUL CAREERS. How can myths and heroes influence peoples careers [ Mythes et hros dans la russite professionnelle] + [ Espaces et changes ] From rags to riches : Bill GATES - Steve JOBS ... SEQUENCE 5 : BLACKLISTED. What do you know about blacklisting in A merican history ? [ Mythes et hros] + [Lieux et formes de pouvoir] Thmes tudis : McCarthy and the Red Scare in the 50s. the Hollywood blacklist : Charlie CHAPLIN / Sacco et Vanzetti. Witch Hunting in America. En lien avec le programme de section europenne La Chasse aux sorcires. the Scarlet Letter by Nathanael HAWTHORNE. ( Video )

[ Manuels utiliss : NEW BRIDGES. Terminales + MISSIONS. Terminales ]

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