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SPEECH You are the host of a TV health show for children.

Based on the notes below, write a speech on Good Nutrition to be delivered on your show.

THE DOS AND DONTS OF GOOD NUTRITION Dos Have a balanced diet of energy-giving foods such as carbohydrates and proteins with as little fat as possible Consume vegetables, whole grains, fruits lower cholesterol, keep trim and reduce risk of cancer Eat more fibre rid the body of chemicals Eat vitamin and mineral-enriched food helps fight diseases Donts Avoid eating too much fat takes a longer time to digest and causes ailments like heart attacks and cancer of the breast, endometrium and gall bladder diseases. Eat less meat. Instead, eat vegetables rich in protein. Avoid deep-fried food. You must write out your speech in four paragraphs include all the points given in the notes idd relevant details to make your speech interesting

SPEECH You are the Secretary of the Junior Consumers Club in your school. You have been asked to give a talk entitled The Consumer and His Rights to a group of students. Write out your speech. You may use the following pictures and notes to help you.

the right of choice to buy a product at a reasonable price

the right to be informed about the use of a product the right to consumer education

the right to purchase safe products

the right to be heard and to voice disatisfaction

You should inform students who consumers are : those who pay for products and services the rights of consumers how to exercise their rights

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