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Who is Shia ?

The true follower of

Ahlul Bayt (a)

Perhaps... one may think that the Shia

of Ahlul Bayt (a) is someone who is
born in a shia family, or someone who
participates in the azadari of Imam
Husain (a) someone who only claims
to love Prophet (s) and His Ahlul Bayt
(a)... but has nothing to do with
obedience to the teachings of Islam


Imam Ali (a): My Shias ! By God ! The

forbearers, the knowledgeable of God and
His religion, actively following Him and
His orders, guided by His love, appear
weak because of worship, seekers of
seclusion for their piousness, of pale
complexion because of their night



their eyes are weak because of

weeping, their lips are dry because of
remembrance of God, their stomachs are
sunken because of eating in moderation,
their faces reveal Godliness, and
simplicity is apparent from their
appearance, they are guiding lights in
every darkness


they are not recognized even when

seen, they are not remembered when
not present, these are my pure shias
and my respected brothers. Ah ! I wish
so much to meet them
[al-Amali, Toosi, p. 1189, hadith # 576]

Imam al-Baqir (a): No one is our shia

except by the fear of God and His
obedience, and they are not
recognized except by their
humbleness, reverence,
trustworthiness, and abundance of
remembrance of God.
[Tuhaf al-Uqool, hadith # 295]


Imam al-Sadiq (a) : Our shias are

those who are pious and men of solid
opinion, they are loyal and
trustworthy, they are men of piety
and worship, they pray fifty one
rakats prayers during day and

they are usually awake in the

night, they observe fasts during the
day, they purify their property (by
paying poor-rate) they perform Hajj
of Kaaba, they abstain from all that
which is forbidden.
[Bihar, v.68, p. 167, hadith # 23]

Imam al-Baqir (a): You shouldnt

be mislead by different views (in
Islam), for by God nobody is our
shia except by obedience to God,
the powerful and magnificent.
[al-Kafi, v.2, p. 73, hadith # 1]

: ...

Imam al-Kazim (a) : the

Shia of Ali (a) is the one whose
action testifies his words.

[al-Kafi, v.8, p. 228, hadith # 290]

Imam Ali (a): Our Shia are those

who are gnostics of Allah, they act
according to the orders of God, they
possess excellences, they speak only
truth, their food is limited to gaining
strength, their dress is simple.


...their behavior is humble, you think

that they have lost their senses, but
its not like that, instead, the
greatness of their Lord has made
them oblivion and His power has
overwhelmed their hearts and taken
over their intellects

So when they strongly wish of

Him, they promptly strive to do
pure actions before God, the most
High; they are not happy with few
good actions, and they never take
their abundant good actions to be
[Bihar, v.78, p. 29, hadith # 96]

: -

Imam al-Baqir (a): (describing the

attributes of Shias): They are like strong
fortress, their chests are trustworthy,
they are men of prudence and selfcontrol, they are not extravagant, they
are neither oppressors nor ostentatious,
they are devoted worshippers in night
and brave like lion in day.
[Mishkat al-Anwar, p. 62]

Imam al-Sadiq (a) : He is not from

our shia who lives in a population
of several thousand people and
someone else is more pious than
him among them.
[Bihar al-Anwar, vol.2, p. 80, hadith # 76]

Imam al-Sadiq (a): He is not from our

Shia who accepts us by only his tongue
and is against our actions and our
[Bihar al-Anwar, v.68, p. 164, hadith # 13]


Imam al-Sadiq (a) : Test our shias on

three occasions: At the time of prayers
as to how they safeguard their prayers,
and when they have a secret as to how
they keep them from our enemies and
by their properties (and wealth) as to
how they spend on their brethren.
[Bihar al-Anwar, v.83, p. 22, hadith # 40]

Imam al-Sadiq (a): Verily the shia of Ali is

the one who is purified of (influence of)
stomach and sexual desires, and intense is
his struggle...and his action is for his
creator, and his hope is for divine reward
and he is afraid of his end so if you see
someone like that, then that is the shia of
Jafar (Imam Jafar al-Sadiq).
[al-Kafi, v.2, p. 233, hadith # 9]

Imam al-Sadiq (a) : He is not from our

shias who denies four things: Mairaj
(heavenly ascension of Prophet (s)),
and questioning in grave, and creation
of heaven and hell and shafaat
[Bihar al-Anwar, v.69, p. 9, hadith # 11]

Imam al-Kazim (a) said : He is not

from our shia whose heart is not
afraid of God in his loneliness.

[Basaer al-Darajat, p. 247, hadith # 10]

Imam Ali (a) : Our Shiasthey

spend on each other for the sake of
our wilayah, they love each other
for the sake of our love, they visit
each other for the sake of keeping
alive our affair

they never oppress if they become

angry with someone and they never
become extravagant in their
happiness, they are mercy for their
neighbors, and a source of peace
and security for those who live with
[al-Kafi, v.2, p. 236, hadith # 24]

Soit is not easy to claim for a Muslim

to be a shia of Ahlul Bayt (a)
It demands a lot of continuous struggle
and hardship in the way of God to become
a true follower of Ahlul Bayt (a)...

That is why the Prophet of God (s) has


... :


Prophet of God (s): O Alimy friend

here Gabriel has informed me from
God, the magnificent that certainly He
has blessed your lovers and your shia
with seven attributes


ease at the time of death and

familiarity in the lonelinessand
light in the darkness (of grave) and
peace in the fear (of the day of
judgment) and justice when the
deeds will be judged and crossing
of the (bridge) sirat

And entry in the paradise eighty

years before all other human beings.

[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 68, p. 4, hadith # 9]

The Prophet of God (s): The Shia of

Ali, they will be successful on the
day of Judgment.

[al-Amali, Toosi, p. 104, hadith # 72]

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