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Management By: Luca Ruiz Lpez

Nowadays, management is one of the most important elements of business. But, what it is? In accordance with Wikipedia, it is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. On the other hand, Peter Drucker, The Father of Modern Management divided this process into five tasks: planning, organizing, integrating, measuring performance and developing people. Personally, I would say that management functions are not limited to managers and supervisors, because every member of the company has some reporting functions as a part of their job. Although, managers are the responsible for ensuring that each process on the company is completed successfully. Management techniques are ideal methods for people to work efficiently and reduce stress in the workplace. By mention some: o Giving a specific time to each employee to discuss different situations. This is useful for them to realize that the boss is aware of their progress. o Lead, motivate, inspire and encourage workers. o Do your employees trust you? As a manager, accept suggestions or creative ideas coming from your employees. o Set objectives and decide how the organization can achieve them. o And more An example of a successful manager is Steve Jobs who after being fired of his own company, in 1985 co-founded Pixar and rejoined Apple in 1997. He created Iphone, Ipod and Ipad and with this, he raised the Apple earnings extraordinarily. If I would be a manager I probably would focus a lot in the opinion of my employees, for them to feel happy in their jobs. I also will evaluate what specific abilities and skills each one has, to know what type of job they could be capable of perform. And with this, optimize the team work and achieve our goals as a company in both short and long term. To conclude I can say that management is not entirely scientific and that there are a lot of skills that have to be learned with experiences, what becomes management also a human skill. Managers define your company destiny, it could be very successful or it could take you to bankrupt.


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