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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh, ..inna akramakum indallahi atqakum..

First and foremost, let us praise to Allah for His Grace and Mercy. My highest gratitude to the BITARA Editorial Board for their continual effort and contribution in for the 2012 BITARA Magazine. Also, I would like to thank the Principal, Vice Principals, Head of Departments and dear teachers; not forgetting my fellow students, for their endless support and helps to the Students Representative Council. Allah yubarik fikum jamian. Knowledge is the key of success, as what Rasulullah had emphasized it as a vital essence in reaching success in the world and the Hereafter. It is promised by Allah Himself that after every arduous journey, one will find happiness and joy. To all my fellow students, some might falter on their way to the top, but never once surrender, as quitter never win and winner never quit. Alas, in sorrow and sadness, we must always cherish the moments we once spent together to enlighten the despair and to brighten the darkness. Altius, Melius, Fortius. Salam Ukhuwah Teras Kegemilangan. With that, I thank you.

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