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The name of Allah the most merciful, the most beneficent

With the countenance of Chief guest, respected teachers, honourable

Principal and my audience of the day,
Good morning to everyone present here.
I am standing before you all to share my thoughts through my speech
the dreams of students
Dreams are the beautiful imaginations that one takes on to escape
from the ruthless reality. Sometimes people incline to dream and live a
fictional life. This may be to ignore the struggles and difficulties that
they have to come across in life.

Most people blame their life is not great enough and interesting enough
too. Everyone thinks that they want to achieve something big, but most
of them have never devoted the time to think about what it can be for

Finally, in the end, I will say that a person without dreams is similar to a
bird without wings. Life is a sequence of challenges. We can either give
up ourselves as losers or keep hoping. The day will come when we will
overcome all obstacles. Dreams have to be converted into action and
that calls for hours of sweat as well as blood too. So, never fear to


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