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The Director of FEE Center his excellency Mr. Abdul Malik

Educational Manager of FEE Center Mr Abdul Rohim

Principle of SMP IT Nur Hikmah Bekasi his/her excellency __________

Teachers of SMP Nur Hikmah Bekasi

And TheTutors of FEE Center

Assalammu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

We begin by praising Allah and bearing witness that none has the right to be worshipped or
unconditionally obeyed except for him and we bear witness that Muhammad peace be upon him, is his
final messenger. We ask Allah to send his peace and blessings upon him, the prophet and messengers
that came before him, his family and companions that served alongside him and those that follow in his
blessed path until the day of judgement. We ask Allah to make us among them amen.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Once we imagine what a hero is, maybe we will think about some people from Marvel Studio who have
superpowers like superman who can fly and has very great power. Or Spiderman who can produce
spider net and swing himself among the skyscrapers easily and other heroes again.

But however, all of them are fantasy. They don’t actually have those powers. It’s kind of entertainment
but it’s not only that entertainment. Those heroes can motivate us to help each other, support one
another and do other good things that make our world become a better place.

Dear ladies and gentlemen

We actually have our own real heroes. They save us from stupidity. They have a great deal of patience to
guide us and also teach us plenty of life lessons. Yeah, they are our teachers. Our teachers are our
heroes. I can’t imagine if they hadn’t taught us how to read, to learn math, physics and other lessons.
Maybe we would have been illiterate and known nothing. But with their patience we become what we
are now.

Dear teachers

Thank you very much for all of your goodwill. We’ll remember it forever.

Ladies and gentlemen

That’s all what I can deliver to you today. Hopefully it can be beneficial for you.

Sorry for all mistakes I’ve made. May Allah guide us in the right path.

Wassakammu’alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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