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My Hero Parents

When we hear or see the word "superhero," we often think about a person who has
superhuman strength, can fly, or who has supernatural powers. But for me, a
superhero is someone that you can model yourself after. Someone you admire and try
to mimic. To be able to imagine what that person would do in a circumstance that you
don't know how to resolve. Someone who sets a good example for you and has a set
of good principles and values. It is not necessary for a hero to continuously wear a
cape and save the world on a daily basis. Our heroes can sometimes be regular
citizens. My parents are role models for me. They are both heroes to me, not because
of what they have given to the world, but because of what they have given to me.

I appreciate the two people who fought their entire lives to ensure that my brother
and I grew up feeling loved and that we were the center of someone's universe. I
admire my mother's ability to work in the evenings while we sleep, allowing her to
get a few hours of sleep and still be awake to care for us when we awoke. And my
father dedicated his time and attention to his business to ensure that my brother and I
got everything we desired and more. I'm not sure how my parents were able to do it.
Even though they work so hard, they still make time for their children. My mom and
dad can be overprotective and demanding at times, but I still respect them. After all, if
it weren't for them, I wouldn't be here. My dad gets up early every morning to go to
work, and when he comes home, he helps my brother fix whatever is broken in the
house. He has a headache a lot of the time, but it doesn't stop him from working hard
at work and at home. My mom worked at a pawnshop when I was little, but now she
owns a small sari-sari store, she has an online business, and she sells silog to our
neighbors. In other words, she is a very wonderful and hard-working human being. I
feel safe when I’m around her. I feel at ease. I don't feel my stress when she’s around,
and I can feel a very warm feeling whenever I’m in her presence.

My parents are my superheroes. They may not wear capes all the time nor save the
world every day, but they keep me safe and they have given me a life, a prosperous
life. They have given me a home, they feed me, they keep me company, they support
me in everything I do, they provide everything that I need. Even though we’re not
rich, they still do everything that they can to support my studies, and that alone is
enough for me to call them superheroes. If my final days are over and God gives me a
second chance to be reborn, I would wish that they would still be my parents, because
to me, they are the most wonderful people in the world and no one can ever replace


Comprehension Questions

1. Because locust birds has a habit of eating a huge amount locusts whenever they are in
2. The author compared the plains to a sea and the long sea sand. She said that the white
carnation flowers in the plains are like spectacles of waves when blown by the wind. She also
said that the wind on the plains has maritime smell in it.
3. The storks in Africa lives like a married couple unlike in Europe, where the storks flew
together or in groups. The storks in Africa also looks less imposing than those in Europe.
4. A chime from the clouds. According to the author the cranes has a sacred tone as if a group
of church bells had taken to the wing and were sailing off.
5. They are a very delicate bird so when they are being transported they have to be
individually wrapped in a pillowcase to prevent them from rolling around.

Critical Thinking Questions

1. The cranes, because according to the author they have an angelic tone.
2. Yes, because forcing an animal to leave its natural habitat can have a negative drawback
because the animal might not adopt to the new habitat, with that, the animal would feel sick
and eventually die.
3. They feel sick after a couple of days, they will not eat, they will growl all the time and after
that they will weaken.
4. Because her surrounding is a perfect place for migration, it has an abundant source of food
and if winter came to Europe, Africa will be warm.
5. Its a peaceful place where the birds is not constantly disturbed, the birds can move freely
and they can build their nests without being destroyed by the predators.
6. They will not feel comfortable with the place, I think they will leave the place and would
find a more suitable one for them to live in.

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