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Contact John Q, Smith, publicity chair Maryville Mornings Kiwanis Club P.O. Box 125 Maryville, Mo. 64468 (660)-562-5555 email

Maryville Mornings Kiwanis Club benefit banquet

MARYVILLE, MO NOVEMBER 16- Maryville Morning Kiwanis Club will host a benefit banquet for a local boys group home from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 16, at Maryville Morning Kiwanis Club building, 125 W. Main St. Harry Oakley is the Maryville Morning Kiwanis Club President. Several Lodge structures have suffered damage from heavy storms last spring. This banquet will help raise funds for sorely needed repair, he said. Repairs will include new roof and plumbing. The Maryville Morning Kiwanis Club members will serve as waiters and waitresses for the benefit. All proceeds go to Maryville Home for Troubled boys. The home is a halfway hosue for youth convicted of non-violent crimes. The benefit will be catered by the Mandrain. Kiwanis International is an organization devoted to the advancement of individual, community, and national welfare to strengthen international goodwill. There are more than 300,000 members in more than 8,000 clubs in 82 countries. Kiwanis International gives $70 million hours of community service each year.

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