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Roxy McKnight. Lecture Notes. The New Kingdom. 2013. False Doors. Ancient Egyptian Society: False Doors.

J Hill, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

False doors are common in temples. They were designed as the palace facade. Often times, there were offering tables in front of the false door where food and drink was presented to the deceased as a sacrifice.

False Door

Ancient Egypt False Doors, Ancient Egypt False Doors, ancientegyptonline. org Ancient Egypt,

An ancient form of communi-

cation to the deceased

Stonehocker Films

Sophia Quick

There was one false door found of communication to the dein Luxor, Egypt by the Karnake ceased for the egyptians. They Temple. It was six feet tall and would carve hyrogifics into made of heavy red granite. The the false door to speak to the door was predicted to be 3,500 dead. It was not unusual for years old. This false door was the living to recieve replies used to speaked to deceased from the deceased. relatives, highly respected counselors, and viziers. People in ancient Egypt used the door when their kingdom needed help. The false door in Luxor, Egypt was the first false door to be discovered. There were three other doors discovered in 2008.

The false door was a form

False doors were always placed in the west side of the chamber. In ancient Egypt the west was assoiciated with the dead. False doors were also known as ka doors because ka meant spirit in ancient Egypt.

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