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Seventh Grade English Syllabus Teacher: Mrs.

Catherine Rhodes Recommended Contact Time: Before 8:00 or after 3:10 School Phone: 879-2535
Welcome to a new year of wonderful opportunities! English class will include many aspects of the total curriculum - writing, grammar exercises, and word study. Each facet of the English program has an important place in the total learning process. The state has mandated nine Standards of Learning (SOLs) for the seventh grade L.A. curriculum. They are covered throughout the year during the various areas of study. Students will use a text entitled Elements of Language. These textbooks will remain in the classroom.

Writing across the curriculum is a key element of the middle school philosophy. Writing grades will consist of assignments from other subject areas (i.e. science), the John Collins Writing Program, as well as individual portfolios, and other classroom assignments.

Word Study
The Rockingham County word study program requires that students be involved with the study of patterns of spelling at their spelling level. Students will work with word patterns, roots, and histories in order to improve spelling and vocabulary skills. Spelling assignments and tests will be given to encourage proficiencies in these areas.

Students will be studying different areas of grammar as they relate to their writing and speaking skills. Grammar will be taught using a variety of strategies and tools including daily oral language exercises, text work/exercises, worksheets, and each students own writing.


Students will have homework on a consistent basis for this class. This homework will be in the form of worksheets to practice skills learned in the classroom setting, as well as writing assignments that need more thought and quiet reflection than is possible in the classroom setting. Reviewing/studying material for quizzes and tests should also be completed at home.

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