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Chemical Process Industries (CPI) Questions

Water Conditioning and Environmental Protection 1. In water conditioning, softening refers to the removal of hardness of water whereas _______ refers to the removal of organic matter and microorganisms from water. a. clarification 2. b. eutrophication c. flotation d. purification 10.

a. electrolytic method c. pure hydrogen production b. steam-hydrocarbon reforming process d. partial oxidation process All but one are the processes used for hydrogen production. a. pyrolysis b. steam reforming c. coal gasification d. electrolysis

Industrial Carbon 11. The following are examples of amorphous carbon except a. carbon black 12. b. graphite c. activated carbon d. lampblack

_______ is the amount of molecular oxygen required by a microbial population to stabilize biodegradable organic material. a. ThOD b. BOD c. COD d. TOC

In this process, natural gas is cracked to carbon black and hydrogen at 1100 to 1650 C in a refractory-lined furnace in a two-cycle (heating and making or decomposition) operation. a. thermal black process b. oil furnace process c. gas furnace process d. crystallization

Energy, Fuels, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration 3. These large stationary installations generate steam at pressures above 1000 kPa. a. falling-film evaporator b. fire-tube boilers 4. c. kettles d. water-tube boilers

Ceramic Industries 13. The most important kilns that are used for the firing of brick, tile, porcelain, tableware, and refractories. a. periodic kilns b. updraft kilns 14. c. continuous car tunnel kilns d. downdraft kilns

_______ is a device substantially without moving parts, in which a fuel, such as hydrogen, natural gas, methanol, or propane, can be converted directly into twice the quantity of electrical energy that would result from the usual boiler-turbine-generator combination. a. fuel cells b. chemical reactor c. calandria type evaporator d. furnace

China, earthenware, pottery, porcelain, stoneware, and vitreous ware are called _______. a. exchange products b. refractories c. clay products d. whitewares

Coal Chemicals 5. The process employed in the production of coke wherein the temperature ranges from 450 to 700C and the quantity of gaseous products is small compared to the liquid products formed. a. high-temperature carbonization b. high-temperature combustion 6. c. low-temperature carbonization d. low-temperature combustion

Portland Cements, Calcium, and Compounds Magnesium 15. It has been defined as the product obtained by pulverizing clinker consisting essentially of hydraulic calcium silicates, usually containing one or more forms of calcium sulfate as an interground addition. a. clay 16. b. portland cement c. shale d. gypsum

The products other than coke during its production are collectively known as a. intermediate products b. free radicals c. catalysts d. coal chemicals

These agents increase the resistance of the hardened concrete to scaling from alternate freezing and thawing and the use of de-icers (such as CaCl2). a. purifier b. crystallizer c. air entrainment agents d. clay

Fuel Gases 7. What is the other name for blue gas? a. coke oven gas 8. b. producer gas c. synthesis gas d. water gas

Glass Industries 17. The following characterize glass except a. b. c. d. 18. a completely vitrified product a rigid, undercooled liquid having no definite melting point and a sufficiently high viscosity to prevent crystallization a partially vitrified product defined as the union of the nonvolatile inorganic oxides It is also called fused silica. a. alkali silicates b. soda-lime glass c. borosilicate glass d. vitreous silica

_______ is made by passing air and steam thru a bed o hot coal or coke. a. coke oven gas b. producer gas c. synthesis gas d. water gas

Industrial Gases 9. Which of the following processes produces high-purity hydrogen and consists of passing direct current through an aqueous solution of alkali, and decomposing the water according to the reaction 2H2O(l) 2H2(g) + O2(g)?

Salt and Miscellaneous Sodium Compounds 19. Glaubers salt has a chemical formula of a. Na2SO4 10H2O 20. b. CaSO410H2O c. NaNO310H2O d. Na3PO410H2O


A strongly acidic material, and is used as a flux for ceramics, readily prepared from K 2SO4 by reaction with sulfuric acid. a. potassium hydroxide b. sulfuric acid c. potassium sulfate d. potassium bisulfate


What is the chemical name for the term caustic potash? a. potassium hydroxide b. sulfuric acid c. potassium sulfate d. potassium bisulfate

It is employed for the diazotization of amines in making azo dyes. a. sodium chloride b. sodium nitrite c. sodium silicate d. sodium sulfite

Nitrogen Industries Chlor-alkali Industries: Soda Ash, Caustic Soda, Chlorine 21. _______ is a brittle white solid that readily absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide from the air. a. salt 22. b. talc c. pure caustic soda d. tainted caustic soda 31. It is readily made by reacting ammonia with phosphoric acid, centrifuging, and drying in a rotary dryer. It is used in quick-dissolving fertilizers and as a fire-retarding agent for wood, paper, and cloth. a. ammonium sulfate b. ammonium nitrate 32. c. monoammonium phosphates d. diammonium phosphates

Sodium bicarbonate is also referred to as a. caustic soda b. soda ash c. sodium sesquicarbonate d. baking soda It is a very important nitrogenous fertilizer because of its high nitrogen content (33%), the simplicity and cheapness of its manufacture, and its valuable combination of quick-acting nitrate and slower-acting ammoniacal nitrogen. a. ammonium sulfate b. ammonium nitrate c. reduction in arc furnace c. hydration Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid 33. d. hydration _______ is used for sulfonation, especially in the manufacture of detergents. It is manufactured by distillation of strong oleums. a. liquid sulfur trioxde b. liquid sulfur dioxide 34. c. sulfuric acid d. pure sulfur c. monoammonium phosphates d. diammonium phosphates

Electrolytic Industries 23. What is the electrolytic process used to make iron? a. electrothermal reduction 24. b. electrolytic refining

What is the electrolytic process used to make gold and lead? a. electrothermal reduction b. electrolytic refining c. reduction in arc furnace

Electrothermal Industries 25. The raw materials for the production of silicon carbide are a. silicon and carbon b. silicon and graphite 26. Impure bauxite is often called a. green bauxite Phosphorus Industries 27. Domestic _______ rocks are essentially fluorapatite admixed with various proportions of other compounds of calcium, fluorine, iron, aluminum, and silicon. a. phosphate 28. b. carbate c. silicate d. igneous 36. b. red bauxite c. yellow bauxite d. brown bauxite c. sand and carbon d. sand and graphite

It is a black, but still relatively strong, and not too heavily contaminated (about 90% H 2SO4, 5% water, and 5% hydrocarbons). a. spent sludge acids b. spent alkylation acid catalyst c. spent acidation catalyst d. nitration spent acid

Hydrochloric Acid and Miscelaneous Inorganic Chemicals 35. _______ applications include commercial bleaching dye oxidation, the manufacture of organic and peroxide chemicals, and power generation. a. sodium chromate b. hydrogen oxide c. hydrogen peroxide d. sodium dichromate

The acidulation of phosphate rock to produce _______ has been the most important method of making phosphate available for fertilizer purposes. a. ultraphosphate b. superphosphate c. phosphoric acid d. phosphates

The starting material for the manufacture of _______ and other chromium compounds is chromite, a chromium iron oxide containing approximately 50% Cr 2O3, the balance being principally FeO, Al2O3, SiO2, and MgO. a. sodium chromate b. hydrogen oxide c. hydrogen peroxide d. sodium dichromate

Potassium Industries

Nuclear Industries 37. _______ may be used as tracers, for studying structural chemistry, in biological, chemical, and physical research, and for geological studies.


Which of the following synthetic resins is not formed by addition polymerization? a. polyethylene b.polystyrene c. polyglycol d. acrylic polymers

6. a. isotopes 38. b. tritium c. deuterium d. borax They are designed to produce enormous amounts of energy in a very brief time by driving fissionable materials into a compact mass by explosive force, irradiated with many neutrons, and held together as long as possible, thus producing large blast effects. a. breeders b. atom bombs c. explosives d. converters 8.

He is a famed physical chemist, who advanced the hypothesis that energy, not mass, is the fundamental basis of matter. a. Albert Einstein b. Louie de Broglie c. Wilhelm Ostwald d. J.J. Thompson


____ is considered to the first high explosive to be employed on a large scale. a. dynamite b. ammonium nitrate c. nitroglycerine d. TNT

Explosives, Propellants, and Toxic Chemical Agents 39. It is a material that, under the influence of thermal or mechanical shock, decomposes rapidly and spontaneously with the evolution of a great deal of heat and much gas. a. detonators 40. b. atom bombs c. explosives d. blasters

Fixed nitrogen from the air is the major ingredient of fertilizers, which makes intensive food production possible. In many ways, the most convenient form for fixed nitrogen is____. a. ammonium sulfate b. synthetic ammonia c. urea d. nitric acid


It is the most abundant metal in the world. a. iron b. magnesium c. gold d. aluminum

In making explosives, nitroglycerin is used. It is produced using the following materials except. a. nitric acid b. sulfuric acid c. glycerin d. soap 10.

It is the breaking down of large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller molecules by heat or catalytic action in petroleum processing. a. polymerization b. aromatization c. pyrolysis d. hydrogenation

Photographic Product Industries 41. It is the process of producing a visible image upon a substance by the action of light or other radiant energy. a. photography 42. b. pictography c. lithography d. colorization

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# Surface Coating Industries 43. Liquid paint is a dispersion of a finely divided pigment in a liquid composed of a resin or binder and a volatile solvent. Its liquid portion is known as ____. a. vehicle 44. b. pigment c. solute d. toner

_______ is a method which depends on the ability of ferric ions to be reduced to ferrous ions in the presence of organic matter under the influence of strong light. a. magnetic attraction b. blueprint process c. photocopying d. reprinting

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# 1. Aspirin is the chief derivative of salicylic acid that is used as a drug. This is also known as __. a. sodium salicylate 2. b. sodium phenolate c. methyl acety ester d. trimethylxanthine

____ is an unpigmented colloidal dispersion or solution of synthetic and/ or natural resins in oils and/ or thinners used as protective and/ or decorative coating for various surfaces and which dries by evaporation, oxidation and polymerization of portions of its constituents. a. toner b. pigment c. lacquer d. inks

What is the very important process employed in the manufacture of Riboflavin, also known as Vitamin B2, which is a necessary element of all living cells? a. condensation and cyclization b. alkylation c. carboxylation d. dehydration

Food and Food By-Product Process 45. Food concentration is a method of food preservation, wherein foodstuffs that naturally contain a high percentage of water are partially dehydrated. All but one of the following are processes available for food concentration: a. reverse osmosis b. evaporation c. condensation d. freeze concentration


What process is commonly used in the production of ethers? a. esterification b. halogenation c. hydration d. dehydration 46.

The usual practice of food concentration is to reduce volume of the food to ____ its original volume. a. three-fourths b. one-half c. one-fourth d. one-third


Making a beer from a grain mixture containing at least 51% corn and distilling and aging it yields ____. a. brandy b. whisky c. rum d. vodka

Agrichemical Industries


Insecticides are agents for destroying insects and are generally classified by their mode of action. If contact insecticides kill following simple bodily contact and stomach poisons are lethal to insects that ingest them, ____ act on the insects respiratory system. a. fumigants b. attractants c. repellants d. systemics Three major elements needed for plant growth are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Which of the following is essential for the development of starches, sugars and fibers?

b. High-Fructose Carbohydrate Source 57.

d. High-Fat Corn-derived Sweetener

In sugar manufacturing, the ____ is the product after pan boiling of the syrup, which is dumped into the crystallizer and then centrifuged to separate the sugar crystals. a. molasses b. mixed juice c. clarified juice d. massecuite


58. a. nitrogen b. phosphorus c. potassium d. all of the above Fragrances, Flavors and food Additives 59. 49. _____ are substances of lower volatility than the perfume oils, which retard and even up the rate of evaporation of the various odorous constituents. a. vehicles 50. b. colognes c. toilet waters d. fixatives 60. It is an important flavoring agent, yet has no flavor of its own. It accentuates the hidden flavors of the food in which it is used. a. MSG Oils, Fats and Waxes 61. 51. In processing vegetable oils, which of the following converts various unsaturated radicals of fatty glycerides into more highly or completely saturated glycerides by addition of hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst? 62. a. deodorization 52. b. hardening c. refining d. bleaching _____ is the name given to certain naturally occurring mineral waxes. a. Montan Soaps and Detergents b. Candelilla c. Ozcerite d. Paraffin 63. b. salt c. sugar d. pepper

____ is the fibrous by-product in sugar manufacturing, which results from sugar cane milling. a. bagasse b. paper c. wood d. grass

It is the unit used for measuring the specific gravity of particular liquid process materials or products in sugar manufacturing. a. baume b. brix c. pol d. apparent purity

It is a linear chain of dextrose units and resembles cellulose, which it can supplant for many uses, such as in films, adhesives and papers. a. protein b. wax c. amylose d. amylopectin

Fermentation Industries Absolute alcohol is practically 100% ethyl alcohol, which is also called as ____. a. pure alcohol b. isopropyl alcohol c. rubbing alcohol d. anhydrous alcohol

It is the primary acid constituent of sour milk, being formed by the fermentation of milk sugar by Streptococcus lactis. a. lactic acid b. citric acid c. amino acid d. hydrochloric acid

Scotch whisky comes only from Scotland and uses ____ dried with peat, which gives its distinctive flavor. a. onion b. barley c. grapes d. wheat


Which of the following detergent additives are fluorescent dyes, which make fabrics look brighter because of their ability to convert ultraviolet light to visible light? a. bluings b. tarnish inhibitors c. bleaches d. fabric brighteners

Wood-derived Chemicals 64. _____ is the generic name for the oil obtained upon the acidification of the black liquor residue from the kraft digesters. a. rosin b. crude oil c. tall oil d. baby oil


The basic chemical reaction in the making of soap is: a. saponification b. hydrolysis c. neutralization d. dehydration 65. It is a fine, smokeless fuel, prized for its smokelessness and used extensively for outdoor cooking. a. molasses Pulp and Paper Industries a. Stearic acid b. glycerin c. sodium stearate d. caustic soda 66. It is an alkaline method of pulping, which is applicable for almost any kind of wood. Fibers obtained in this process are bleachable and strong. a. Kraft pulping 67. b. Sulfite pulping c. NSSC pulping d. mechanical pulping b. mixed juice c. clarified juice d. massecuite


____ is a clear, nearly colorless liquid having a sweet taste but no odor. It may be produced by saponification of glycerides to produce soap or by recovery from the hydrolysis or splitting of fats and oils to produce fatty acids.

Sugar and Starch Industry 56. The most recent major change in the sugar industry was the introduction of HFCS, which became commercially available in 1970. It became competitive with cane and beet sugar as sweetener. What does HFCS stands for? a. High-Fat Carbohydrate Source c. High-Fructose Corn-derived Sweetener

____ are rigid and semi-rigid sheets formed by the wet- or dry-felting of fibers. Low-density kinds are generally used for insulation.

a. paper 68.

b. fiberboard

c. particle board

d. black board


Benzene can be made by the following processes, except one: a. dehydrogenation of cyclohexane or substituted cyclohexanes b. aromatization of methylcyclooentane c. dimethylation of toluene or xylenes d. hydrogenation of cyclohexane

It is manufactured using sawdust, shavings and wood flakes or special shapes to combine good physical properties with attractive appearance. a. paper b. fiberboard c. particle board d. black board 79.

Plastic Industries 69. It is a non-biodegradable organic material, which can be divided into thermosetting, thermoplastic, oil soluble and protein products. a. paper 70. b. fiberboard c. wood pulp d. plastic

The ____ number is a measure of the suitability of the fuel for high-compression engines. It is the percentage of the iso-octane which, when added to n-heptane, knocks in a special test engine to the same degree as the fuel is being tested. a. octane b. heptane c. hexane d. pentane

Petrochemicals ____ are organic compounds added to plastics to improve workability during fabrication, to extend or modify the natural properties of the plastics, and to develop new, improved properties not present in the original resin. a. plasticizer 71. b. cellulose c. fillers d. paper pulp 80. _____ is isopropyl benzene and is made by reacting benzene with propylene over a catalyst such as a phosphoric acid derivative at 250C and 700 kPa. a. toluene b. cumene c. hexane d. ethyl benzene

Synthetic resins formed by condensation polymerization are ____, which when cured with heat produces an infusible or insoluble product. a. thermoplastic b. thermosetting c. cellulose derivatives d. protein products

Cyclic Intermediates and Dyes 81. _____ groups cause color by altering absorption bands in the visible spectrum. a. chlorophyll b. monochrome c. chromophore d. auxochrome

Man-Made Fiber and Film Industries 82. 72. All but one are the most important general properties of fibers: a. length 73. b. crimp c. thickness d. denier These ice colors are made right on the fiber by coupling diazotized material while in contact with the fibers. a. acid dyes Pharmaceutical Industry c. lignin d. staple b. direct dyes c. azoic dyes d. disperse dyes

Short fibers are also known as _____. a. bagasse b. pith


_____ is a copolymer of vinyl chloride and vinylidene chloride, which is prepared by mixing the two monomers with a catalyst and heating. a. saran b. plastic c. PVC d. PET


Which of the following forms of carbon fibers are prepared from rayon, polyacrylonitrile (PAN), or pitch? a. low modulus b. high modulus c. medium modulus d. small modulus

Rubber Industries 76. The name rubber was apparently given by ____, who first observed the ability of the material to rub out a pencil mark. a. Albert Einstein 77. b. Isaac Newton c. Joseph Priestly d. Robert Brown

_____ protect the rubber goods from attack by oxygen and ozone in the atmosphere. a. accelerators b. retarders c. peptizers d. age resistors

Petroleum Processing

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