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blood count contraindication to diagnose diagnosis joints (articulaciones) in the early stages (en las primeras fases).

prognosis FORMAL side effect (efectos secundarios) symptom vital signs rate of breathing (ritmo de respiracin) heart beat (pulsaciones) withdrawal symptoms (sndrome de abstinencia prescription charge family doctor- GP diabetes bronchitis heart disease/heart attack skin/lung/breast cancer TB/tuberculosis typhoid hepatitis transfusion stated dose

a stomach ulcer kidney problems cortico-steroids blood clotting (coagulacion de la sangre) clot (coagulo) glucose insuline offal (visceras) buffer (protector) preclude : impedir gut: intestino mood enhencing: antidepresivo jaundiced (amarillento) emotionally scarred by MINOR AILMENTS scar (cicatriz) rash (erupcion) bruises stinging throbbing to have a stiff neck to feel dizzy to be feverish to have nauseous the nouse is bunged up

to look off-colour to be feeling a bit out of sorts tarry stools (heces negras) dehydration sick note justificante por enfermedad

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE acupuncture chiropractic herbal medicine homeopathy aromatherapy IDIOMS be on the bend be poorly be back on one's feet again be over the worst figth off come down with


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